NL10 4s4d

Posted 8 years ago

CO is a tag and SB is having fun seeing flops.

CO likes to raise/fold OOP so I thought about 3betting but went this way to play the weak SB. I don't like a lot of fancy play anyway, I suck at it.

Flop: So here we are a family barbeque get-together and I raise flop thinking I might get more callers anyway, meh, never mind. I thought it was a great board for callers or I would raise more.

Turn, wah, but do I continue betting is the question here? I really wasn't sure, that'll teach me to have a plan for when I actually hit a hand wont it.

River, I just think my hand is good here, so I bet small to get called by a sticky Kx, flush, that sort of thing. I think if villain had 2P or better on the flop he might go for it on the turn.

So what do you think guys, I was a bit lost in this one after the turn.


Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.05/$0.10 No Limit Holdem Prima
6 Players

Blinds 0.5BB/1BB6
UTG Player 1 $100BB
UTG+1 Player 2 $113.2BB
CO Player 3 $161.1BB
DHero $103BB
SB Player 5 $85.3BB
BB Player 6 $153.1BB
6$1.5BBHero is BTN44
2 folds, Player 3 raises to 3BB, Hero calls3BB, Player 5 calls 2.5BB, Player 6 calls 2BB
Player 5 checks, Player 6 checks, Player 3 bets 7BB, Hero raises to 16BB, Player folds, Player folds, Player 3 calls 9BB
Player 3 checks, Hero checks
Player 3 checks, Hero bets15BB, Player 3 calls 15BB
Final Pot $74BB


Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
Hey Pwll,

I like your preflop thought process, I'd rather call here myself and setmine with a weaker player in the pot than 3betting.

Turn seems like a very standard bet to me here, The only thing that beats us is KT, if they hold that than WP and we just shrug it off. I would actually consider jamming river as played. In general I think microstakes players don't fold enough and we exploit that by value betting Smile
Posted 8 years ago
I think the preflop flat is good IP.
On the flop I think if you're going to raise that the raise is just a little bit too small, I'd like to make it 20 BB or close to that as he's still going to call with his draws probably.
On the turn as played I really like a small bet even something like 20BB to get his draws (which he is drawing dead with) KX and TX to call and see what comes on the river and play accordingly.
River as played I bet a lot bigger because you played it as if you were afraid of the T so he never thinks you have a boat here, I would bet 33 BB here to get calls from flushes and straights.
Posted 8 years ago
First of all, small pp isn't a good hand to 3bet as a bluff. If co is a good target to 3bet bluff, would rather prefer to use sth like A5s for instance. So flatting is much better option as you wanna get the blinds in as well for better imply odds.
Flop raise size is way too small. When you have 4 players on this draw heavy K high board, it's really a great spot to sweeten up the pot. Also. We would like to get stacks in asap.
You should bet big on the turn with the purpose of shoving most rivers.

Posted 8 years ago
Preflop looks good. Flop I would go a bit bigger to maybe 20bb. Turn I would continue to bet on the small side. You have close to the nuts and want to continue building a pot so you can play the biggest pot possible with your strong hand. I say smaller bet because hands like medium Kx and draws might be reluctant to continue to the paired Tx. On the river I would expect villain to be on the weaker side given his check but I think you can still get paid for something like 25bb here by Kx or better.
Posted 8 years ago
Given the multiway pot, it's impossible to tell what's better from the theory/GTO standpoint. I'd lean towards calling since you're in position and you can still control the pot fairly well. Besides, if you get one call behind you pot size on the turn won't be much different than if you'd raised.

As played, I'm always betting the turn. It's NL10 so pot management is really, really important (most common mistake among your opponents will be calling too much) and it's going to be super hard to get stacks in by the river if you check. Besides turn card is actually good for you since you can't ever rep it.

As played bigger on the river.

Overall if you're playing micros, when in doubt go for value. I think that you've missed lots of value in this spot.
Posted 8 years ago
Thank you so much everybody, I'll mark this one for further reading!

Great stuff! Yes
Posted 8 years ago
Have you entered your hand wrong? You have 44? You have full house? The Ten is a terrible card to rep, so a great card to smash value? Flush comes in on the river and you bet 33% pot? Wut? You have FH! The Straights and the Flushes get there. bet bet bet bet bet bet bet and win the money, sir!
Posted 8 years ago
I think hero is concerned here that villain can make some better full houses. It really shouldn't be a concern though, if villain makes a hand that strong then it's more than likely just a cooler.

By checking the turn we potentially miss a ton of value and don't build a pot for the river. So basically easy bet on both turn and river.