NL10 AKs

Posted 8 years ago

My question here is vs this BIG call station with 67bbs to start, is it fine to check turn as we have little FE vs him and I still expect to get a good value either way?
He has called down with 4th pair previous to decent bet sizes.

Player 5(SB) $19.80 - VP:17 PFR:13 AF:2.0 W:43|67 STL:71|71 3B:3|0 CB:40| N:0.45 Hands:60
Player 6(BB) $8.44 - VP:24 PFR:17 AF:1.5 W:29|100 STL:50|50 3B:17|0 CB:67|100 N:3.34 Hands:29
Me(CO) $18.43
Player 1(UTG) $6.75 - VP:83 PFR:50 AF:0.6 W:31|23 STL:82|23 3B:16|0 CB:12|22 N:-25.30 Hands:58

Player 4(BTN) $29.90 - VP:34 PFR:22 AF:16.0 W:32|100 STL:75|56 3B:10|80 CB:82|100 N:12.12 Hands:74

Pre Flop: Me(CO) with [Kh,Ah]
Player 1(UTG) raises 0.20,
Me(CO) raises 0.80,
Player 4(BTN) folds,
Player 5(SB) folds,
Player 6(BB) folds,
Player 1(UTG) calls 0.60

Flop: (6h,Ts,9h)(2 players)
Pot - 1.75
Player 1(EP) checks,
Me(LP) bets 1.30,
Player 1(EP) calls 1.30

Turn: 2s (2 players)
Pot - 4.35
Player 1(EP) checks,
Me(LP) ?

Last Post 8 years ago by






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Posted 8 years ago
Yes a check on the turn looks fine. I don't think we fold anything on the turn that called the flop so the bet doesn't really benefit us in any way. Check is good.
Posted 8 years ago
I'd still prefer betting. With exact hand you can actually bet flop bet turn check back river and win a fair amount of the time since part of his stationing range will be a metric ton of flush draws and straight draws. I'd like a turn check much more if you're oop.
Posted 8 years ago
Yeh I like betting as we would bet all of our sets and overpairs and we have the nut flush draw and two overs which are probably live.
Posted 8 years ago
I like betting the turn too.

As Darius said, it's actually a value bet a lot of the time, plus you have the benefit of making the pot bigger for the river if you make your hand and he going to be getting great odds when you shove.

Villain can also bluff the river if you check the turn and you'll have to fold the best hand a decent %

Posted 8 years ago
Unless im mistaken, he should have like 4.75 behind and there's 4.35 for the pot . I just jam and be happy lol
Posted 8 years ago
I'm thinking we can do what we like on this flop. I might go the other way at it I think, bet a bit larger on the flop and get the money in, or if called just ship the turn for a pot size(ish) left behind if called.