NL10 Speed KK

Posted 8 years ago

I decided to give a try to speek poker, so I made a deposit to Party Poker and started experimenting it. So far, after 16k hands I have been very successful in these games. I just recently played this hand, and I was super confused on the river about what a heck is going on. The villain is unknown, so he is not regular in these games.

X posts small blind $0.05, The Villain posts big blind $0.10.
Hero raises with KK to $0.30 The villain calls $0.20.

FLOP; 5, 5, 4

The villain checks, Hero bets $0.40, Villain raises $0.90, Hero calls $0.50.

Imo the villain is repping 44, 5x or lower overpair, or maybe 67 (very unlikely). I think the random villains will bluff in this spot occasionally too. I do not want to scare him away, and in the case he is bluffing I want him to continue doing so on the later streets. So, I just call.

TURN; [5, 5, 4, 3]
The villain bets $1.74, Hero calls $1.74.

The villain keeps betting. I do not really like the turn cand, but there are not many draws he can have. It is possible that he check-raised on the flop with something like 66 or 77, but I do not think it is very likely. So I call again.

RIVER; [5, 5, 4, 3, 6]

Villain bets $5.40, Hero calls $5.40.

I hate to see that river card. When I see my opponent making a pot-sized bet, it means that we have to press the timebank button and take a moment to think about this. For me, this big bet looks very suspicious. I take my time and try to put this guy on a hand, but his play makes no sense to me. There are only few hands he can have that beats our KK, and all of those are very unlikely. For me this looks like a bluff, so I make a call but I am really not confident about my hand. So, what do you think?

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Posted 8 years ago
I would fold there. The guy raised flop, bet turn and pot river. Unless he is spewing off I think he tells a consistent story and he has it. He is not flatting decent overpairs pre and not taking this line with them. 44, 5x is in range and makes sense. 76,77,66,55 all have you as well. Its not that many combos but what bluffs can he have? His value range has you nailed so I'm just giving it up.
Posted 8 years ago
I'd be calling the flop and turn, but the river once we get pot on a 4 straight board it's time to fold. We don't beat nothing but a pure bluff or an over pair badly pretty bad.
Posted 8 years ago
River is definitely a fold. There's no worse hand that he's ever value betting, and we shouldn't expect him to be bluffing often enough to make a profitable call.
Posted 8 years ago
My opponent showed T9o so my read was right this time. Maybe it was just luck, and you are right. Not a call I do most of the time. It is little ironic that if he had used little time to think his bet sizing on ther river (and other streets too) and bet something like 4,40 I would have folded without hesitation. Now everything he did seemed just random spewing.