NL100 TJss good spot to fire 3

Posted 7 years ago

Original plan here was to barrel off, the heart river helped our range but I was still jamming on blanks to get villain to fold anything other than AA AK. We don't arrive at the river with many other hands to bluff so I'm assuming this hand is definitely one we can fire 3 with. WUG think, good barrel spot or nahh?

What is villains range with that river lead? First thought was that it was a kind of blocking bet but at the same time it could be a V poorly played AA thats some how trying to induce.

Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.50/$1 No Limit Holdem Prima
5 Players

UTGHero $383.98
CO RisingStar $107.96
D ZLbIDeNb $97.16
SB ImDonkey18 $131.20
BB KuhaLeika $123.83
5$1.50Hero is UTGTJ
Hero raises to $2.50, 2 folds, ImDonkey18 raises to $9.50, 1 fold, Hero calls$7.50
ImDonkey18 checks, Hero bets$10, ImDonkey18 calls $10
ImDonkey18 checks, Hero bets$24, ImDonkey18 calls $24
ImDonkey18 bets $25, Hero folds
Final Pot$114

ImDonkey18 wins $111 (net +$42.50)
Hero lost$41.50

Last Post 7 years ago by






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Posted 7 years ago*
Very good candidate to go 3 streets with. Can credible rep 88,77, AK, AQ.

Im very confused about that river bet. Smells like AJish or like you said some AA that doesnt want to miss some value and mayube induce something.
Posted 7 years ago*
Is this player type a reg or not? I don't like pulling bluff moves against unknown as if they turn out to be fish I don't expect them to fold much. I don't mind bet bet shove line here as a bluff as I don't expect our pair to be ahead of any of their value range.

When they donk the river it's quite odd and I feel it's a Ax type hand trying to get a cheap showdown. I'm not expecting someone to donk here with AA after slow playing the flop and turn.

Posted 7 years ago
I like the idea of intending to fire three streets once villain checks. Two never really works if he calls the flop. He's never folding QQ KK AQ for two barrels.

The turn T is interesting. It's tempting to bet small intending to check behind on the river, but anything which calls two barrels will be beating us anyway, so I like the idea to carry on as planned.

River is definitely weird. I wouldn't expect a normal 3 bet bluff range SB vs BTN to have many Axs combos or pocket pairs so I'm not worried about aces up or sets. Shoving must definitely have merit if villain is capable of folding. It does look like he has a AQ AJ type hand that really wants to see a showdown. but I would expect a reg at these stakes to be able to lay that down if we jam. I really don't expect to see AA here very often.