NL20 55 - bluff line that hit a set

Posted 7 years ago

First hand I've posted in a while on here, and it feels like a fun one.

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$0.10/$0.20 No Limit Holdem Prima
6 Players

UTG ChicoPicadinho $20.06
UTG+1 ACAB $20.76
CO Dikiypershik $23.44
D POOOWW $29.97
SB tatoludwiczka $20.10
BBHero $26.20
6$0.30Hero is BB55
3 folds, POOOWW raises to $0.40, 1 fold, Hero raises to $1.20, POOOWW raises to $3, Hero calls$1.80
Hero checks, POOOWW checks
Hero bets$2.80, POOOWW calls $2.80
Hero bets$6.40, POOOWW folds
Final Pot$16.90

Hero wins$17.52 (net +$6.52)
POOOWW lost $5.80

Preflop: My general default is 3betting small pairs v button opens here (although am willing to be persuaded if people prefer flatting here?) His 4b is pretty small, and we are deeper than usual, so called.

Flop: No set unfortunately, but given his 4betting is going to be more weighted towards QQ-AA/AK, felt like a spot where I can put pressure on one pair hands, given I have way more sets in my range than his. Also think he has to always bet flop with AXhh, which is important when the turn is a third heart.

Turn: Not the best card, as it means QhQx/KhKx will definitely peel one so it'll take two barrels, and obviously JJ improved. Feels like Jacks would raise turn, so after being called the hand feels a lot more like QQ/KK/AK/AQ with a heart. Plan when he calls is that I'm betting any brick river, giving up any big card / heart.

River: Well that was unexpected. I was not really expecting a call here, given his hand still looks like a bluff catcher which I have been trying to set up for a fold! Bet $6.40 into 10.50, hoping that he got curious, but feels like the fact he folded means my previous logic was reasonable.

Thoughts on the logic of applying pressure to his range, which shouldn't be able to call on a brick river?

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Posted 7 years ago
As we're slightly deeper I think you can just call pre flop with 55 as we have lots of equity and value, by 3betting we kill that and it sucks to fold to a 4bet which we have to do.

100b deep I think 3bet/shoving against high 4betters is a fine play, maybe it's OTT at 20nl though unless table is agro.

I'd give up on the turn, we have crap equity and their pairs/high cards may have a flush draw which we don't fold that often. We only fold a small % of their range.

River bet is fine.
Posted 7 years ago
Preflop can be fine either way depending on your playstyle. And by playstyle, I don't mean some arbitrary idea but the function of decisions you make on every subsequent street. The best way to figure out if you should call or 3bet those hands is to open HM/PT filter out 22-66 hands from the blinds, look at your win rate and review those hands (though unless you have at least 50k hands in your database I wouldn't bother with 100k or 200k being much better).

As for the rest of the hand, I feel like Harvie is right about the turn and the lack of equity. Sure you can fold out other pockets in villain's range if he plays them the way he did pre, but it's so hard for the villain to have air on this texture. I don't hate your play, but I just think it's super thin.

River is obviously fine.
Posted 7 years ago
Not gonna say anything about pre but we can discuss the turn play. So after he checks back he shouldnt have many strong hands. Maybe checks AK and AA and some weak Ax like A4 or something he decided to 4bet bluff with. He can also check hands like KK QQ.

Our range for calling this 4bet should be hands TT JJ AK AA KQs etc. So after he has checked we now have a huge range advantage on that turn. Our percieved range should be really strong here. I think we can 2 barrel on all blank and get folds close to 100% of the time.

So what hands should we bluff with. The bottom of our range that has some equity. This 55 is for sure bottom of our range and we do have some EQ (FD) when we get called.

You are probably bleeding money with this preflop play but at least you made a good play postflop (if you would have bet blank rivers too)
Posted 7 years ago
With his range being so weak what do people think of a 1/3 pot bet on the river..?? I think 80% of the pool are making crying calls with all Ax!
Posted 7 years ago
I think small bets makes much sene here sine we will have so many value hands and few bluffs and he has a very weak range.
Posted 7 years ago
Pre I do prefer calling because we close the action and have plenty of other combos we can use as 3 bet bluffs which aren't profitable calls.

Post flop I agree with Prostaker. With such a range advantage and the fact he can call a decent number of hearts as well gives us a great bluffing opportunity on the river. Unlike 3 bet pots where many villains have no problems calling two streets with less than top pair here I would expect to get some folds from KK on top of all the whiffed draws plus QQ.