NL200 QTs

Posted 7 years agoEdited 7 years ago

A little history before the hand, both the SB and BB had been very active and were the two same players as in the previous hand I posted.

Game is £1/1 Live, and double straddled to £4.

Hero raises Q10 (UTG Effective) £20

BTN calls £20 (£200),
£2 Straddler calls £20 (£1500+),
£4 Straddler 3-bets to £55 (£575),
Hero calls £55,
BTN folds,
SB calls £55.

Both the straddlers were extremely active, and were stuck to me. I had just announced last 3 hands, and we were the 3 big stacks at the table. I feel like more so the £4 straddle may be chasing, although I will take it with a pinch of salt and not alter my decisions too much. I am going to refer the them as SB and BB to make it easier. Although they were actually UTG and UTG+1.

3-Bet was very small, and given how loose BB was playing, getting a great price with a hand that plays well post-flop in position and with the SB almost always calling, I thought it was a clear call. Although acknowledging that I could be dominated by some of the hands BB 3-Bets. (Is this too loose?)

9610, Pot (£187). SB checks, BB bets £50, Hero calls, SB calls.

Flop top pair with back door straight & flush draw, and BB's bet is so small I feel it makes it a lot less likely he has an overpair as he would want to protect his hand and get value, it sort of seemed like a half hearted C-Bet give up. His C-Bet sizings in previous hands were way bigger, although I understand the dynamics in this hand are slightly different as its 3-ways and 3-Bet pot. We also block QQ.

96109 Turn, Pot (£337). SB checks, BB bets, £170, Hero calls, SB calls.

Turn sizing is a little stronger than the flop, and also double barrelling OOP in a 3-way pot feels reasonably strong. However I feel like he was happy to triple barrel off, and could also of picked up a spade draw.

961099 River, Pot (£847). SB checks, BB goes all in for £300, Hero calls £300, SB deliberates for a while and then overcalls with 102. BB insta-mucked.

The river is a really good card, it makes it far easier to call, if BB had a better T we are now chopping, and given how the hand played I feel he rarely ever has an over pair. Immediately after moving all-in on the river, the BB, (Seat 9) turned to me, (Seat 1) and stared me down, which just made calling way easier.

Thoughts on this hand? Firstly is QTs UTG too loose to open, given the fact we were IP to the most active players, and reasonably deep?

Also is this call down correct, or have I been lucky to hit the bottom of both SB, and BB ranges?

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Posted 7 years ago
I'm not sure how QT will play UTG as you're most likely going to get called with hands like KT QJ KQ AT AQ which all dominate you.

The problem with QT for me is on the turn I'd be worried if someone has KT/AT and we're pretty much drawing dead. For live it seems like it's read dependent, I can't remember the last time I saw a hand posted above at an online table. Guess it's time to play live.
Posted 7 years ago
@Harvie I felt the open was maybe a little loose, although I do stress that very active means probably 50-60% VPIP for both SB and BB. I felt like the £55 C-Bet just seemed really weak, players usually blast the pot when they have big hand. I'd go to far as to say he may of been 3-Betting almost any two broadways. I mean SB shows up in this hand with 102, obviously this only gets revealed at show down, but it paints a pictures as how wide there ranges were.

Maybe just crazy NYE, but so far these live £1/1 games have been playing the same as 4NL, jump in!
Posted 7 years ago
I don't play live so you should take all my comments with a pinch of salt, as I'm sure opening ranges and such are much wider and given my lack of live play, most of what I say is based on my experience of playing online.

50vpip or more I'd be opening this online so would also do it offline.