NL5 JThh

Posted 6 years ago

So i've started playing poker again after a big break away from the game and my postflop game needs some refinements. As such i try to make plays i never would have previously to see what works and what doesn't.

These are one of those plays. I had the guy marked as a reg (i can see that he had multiple zoom entries, and he is almost active every time i play). As such i made the assumption that he probably wouldn't call my steal attempt with KQ and that most hands that outright beat me where probably not in his range as he would have 3bet me pre instead of calling me. However after looking at the hand for a while im not sure my assumptions are correct at all.

In any case i'd like any input you might have, regardless of whether you hate my line of play or love it.
Boom Hand Here

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Posted 6 years ago*
Think it really depends on the player. There are players out there, like myself, who implore a 3bet or fold strategy from the SB. So basically the 3bet any hand they want to continue, they don't cold call anything. This is a depolarized range of the top hands. I think my SB range is around 16%. So against guys like that the range is relatively well defined.

Once someone calls, they more than likely are not using this strat, unless they are making an adjustment to you or trying to do something tricky. If they have some coldcalls then that means they are probably 3betting more polarize (3betting top portion of range, mixed with hands THEY feel are too weak to call) I think the ranges are somewhat less defined and dependent on the player. A SBvBU cold call range is going to have most, if not all, PPs, alot of broadways, maybe some suited connectors and suited Ax. I think your assumption that they will 3bet strong hands is correct, however, I think most guys will be calling KQo. I think they probably 3b KQs, but flat KQo and maybe opt to use slightly weaker hands like ATo KJo QJo, although they might call some of those as well.

I don't think you have a value 3b on this flop unless the player is super loose. If i cbet this board and get raised I am assuming they have at least 12 combos of KQ, plus a myriad of combos of sets and 2p and pair plus FD, like AsJs KsJs, stuff like that. If you put all those into equity calculator you aren't doing that well. It is top 2 pair and if he is bluff raising with a bunch of other stuff, maybe it is best to just GII, but, for me, I think this is a spot that I just call the flop raise and play further streets accordingly.
Posted 6 years ago
Yeah that was more or less my conclusion too. I think once he makes the call I can't rule out KQo (or sets as you mentioned) so I think my shove was pretty bad actually
Posted 6 years ago
So SB ranges usually are quite defined - meaning they have a lot of middle pairs - and some strong suited connected hands like T9s KQ in them - your hand really isen't as nutted as it appears vs some of those hands.

At 5NL SB flat ranges are certainly a bit more all over the place - but I still wouldn't want to GII here OTF - I think that would just be overplaying our hand for the most part (readless).

Think about how much you are shoving here OTF - you are basically shoving 7$ into 1.5$ so you are basically shoving for over 4x Pot - if villain has any sort of value raise like a set or a straight you are still pretty fucked overall. And even if he has a combo draw he is still drawing quite live.

Basically: Just flat his raise and go from there. I would not jam ANY hand here - and the only hand I would reraise here would literally be KQ Laugh - and I wouldn't just jam it in for 4x Pot - I would rather reraise him to like 2$ or 2.5$ or something like that.

What probably happened here is: You were a bit lost - didn't know what to do - didn't want to go through the struggle of playing turns (there certainly are a lot of annoying turns) and so you just said "fuck it let's roll with it" Laugh

On a side-note: A hand like top two has way less equity here than a hand like JJ or TT - this also plays a pretty big part. A hand like a set has double the equity compared to JTs vs e.g. KQ
Posted 6 years ago
My main thought on hating this jam simply comes down to

- how simple you have made his decision.

You have the power of position and a 100bb eff stack but yet you now give him the choice of

- call
- fold

you have made this hand super easy for him which is never a good thing. On the actual hand I won't comment but this is some food for thought.
Posted 6 years ago
I've done this one a lot, I've read or watched a vid somewhere saying that top 2 is good enough for a shipit because I have X equity against anything except Y and Z. The problem is if I shove for this sizing I will (nearly always) get called by either Y or Z and that's about it, unless it's some spewtard with AJ of course, but how often is that gonna happen, we even have one of their outs.

So ye, I gotta agree with the people above and say it was a bit 'optimistic' as they say, but (disclaimer alert) I'm only nl5.

Have fun. Smile