PLO100 JdTdAh8s

Posted 7 years ago

opener is a big fish playing like 80/60

What im thinking about here is the river desicion, first instinct was that i wanted to raise, then i felt like i cant really rep 64 that good and thats basicly the only raising hand i can have here the way i played, i think...

How do we make the desicion , something in my brain decided that this is a call.

there is a couple of missed draws, but then again we are blocking some of the major draws he can have, at the time i felt like he doesnt have enough value hands that plays it this way that goes for 3 streets of value, but maybe he has? what do you guys think ?


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Posted 7 years ago
Vs guys like this and with his size feels like he can have a bit of everything. Some werid 2p. A4 46. Maybe turning AA into bluff? T98x Txyz. You see these guys bet with really wierd hands.

Think its fine to turn this hand into a bluff but I also think we can have some better hands that have at least a 4 or 6 in it.