Problem with modpack on MPN

Posted 7 years ago

Any idea what is causing this?
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I used the same modpack for all of April without any issue, this happened all of a sudden.

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Posted 7 years ago
Hmm weird. Suppose its due to a new update on the site. You can try to email the developer of the MOD on he might be able to help.
Posted 7 years ago
Prob is with size of table, make table the biggest as is possible and everything is going to be normal
Posted 7 years ago
Posted 7 years ago*
Seems like an issue with the monitor resolution, table size or aspect ratio of your monitor. Can you tell me what resolution do you use? I wasn't able to replicate your problem, but you can try one workaround. Reinstall, the poker software so that you're using default graphics, install the mod, but don't use the poker room directory, instead install it on your desktop or some other folder. After that copy every file that doesn't start with the "deck_" to the proper directory (example: C:MicrogamingPokerstanjamesgibMPPthemestanjamesgibglobalviewsacetrackview it's going to be slightly different for Guts). That way you can use only the moded tables (which seem to be working fine) with the default chips and cards. Let me know if that helps.
Posted 7 years ago
I don't think it was a problem with table size as I've been using the same laptop and the same table size for a few months now. It's 1366 x 768 right now so the tables are fairly small. I uninstalled the poker client and downloaded it again and everything is fine. It happened in the middle of a session without me changing anything which is why it really confused me.
Anyways thanks for the help Smile
Posted 7 years ago
After you reinstalled the poker room did you also install the mod again? And if so, is it working for you now? It's really hard to say what the source of the issue might be. Maybe some weird GPU driver issue or some sort of a weird conflict with a background application. In any case, I'm glad to hear that you resolved the problem.