Support at make a living at home country

Posted 7 years ago

Hello, dear pokernauts!

I come to you with the hope that you can offer some support in a great endevour I have in front of me.

So lets go straight at it.
I live in a country where poker online as to much strict laws not allowing me to play in the sites that offer better deals and with a good enough player pool. So for what I know I have two options: leave my country or use a vpn. I searched a lot about the use of vpn for poker online and i didnt found something that really assured that it was safe so i started to look for countries where i could move to. The thing is that i have 2 little children and of course i dont want to leave them even if it is "only" for 2 years, that is the maximum i think i would stay abroad.

Given this, I want to give it a try again to the use of vpn or something else that works to be able to stay in my country close to my children.

So, can you give me some kind of support about this. Telling me trough here or personal message what you know through experience that works or doesnt work?

If you know something or someone that can give some support on this, please let me know. I can even offer you some percentage of my winnings for a while as a sign of gratitude.

Thanks in advance! Wink

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Posted 7 years ago

Which country are you in?
Posted 7 years ago
Using a vpn or proxy would work, but then it will become difficult to withdraw money. Poker sites will ask for different tyypes of official documents before you can withdraw money. At that stage they will see you are from a country which they are not allowed to do business with. You could work around this by having the acount on someones else his name from a country that is allowed to play and play on his acount. Doing this you would risk the account being blocked if they find out and losing all the funds on it. Furthermore even if you succeed to withdraw the money you would have illegaly obtained funds that would be under the risk of being taken away by your government. All in all.. its possible, quite a hassle and pretty risky.
Posted 7 years ago
There will be legit good sites no matter where you are.
Posted 7 years ago
I am in Portugal and we dont have sites with enough player pool and rakeback to make a good income, thats the reason of my question.

And yes it seems quite risky thats why i am looking to understand how much since to leave my country for a while can be also quite risky for my children and my relation with them.
Posted 7 years ago
Playing with a VPN is risky as you could get your whole roll confiscated and we really don't advise that you use one!

Will see what I can find for you and get back shortly.
Posted 7 years ago
HI @pokerfishnet ,

Indeed, countries such as Portugal are pretty strict and it does make it super difficult to find a good room with good traffic to play on.

However, I have the perfect solution for you.

The GG Network is a Top 10 poker network for traffic worldwide, mainly focusing on the Asian market but open to most of the rest of the world as well. The network is growing all the time and has some ace features such as "run it thrice", all-in insurance and rabbit hunting!

Sign up through All-In-Asia by CLICKING HERE and you will also receive 35% rakeback paid into your account every week!

Not only that, you will also be enrolled in the PokerVIP Challenge for even more extra money back each month so you will be getting close to 50% rakeback in total!

Let me know if you have any questions or need any guidance and me or Jon will be happy to help
Posted 7 years ago
I download it i saw it and nope, not an option for me at the moment.

Fastfold tables are almost a must since i dont want to burn my brain playing in 10 regular tables at the same time. Smile

Thanks anyway