Poker Mental Game & Planning

Poker Mental Game & Planning - Learn how to crush the psychological aspect of poker through our strategy articles.

186 Articles

Poker Mental Game & PlanningTop 3 Life Lessons from Playing Poker

We’ve had a look at what we consider the three that are most useful in our everyday lives

Mark Patrickson 2,253 Views on 24/5/23

Poker Mental Game & PlanningPLO or NLHE? - Which To Choose and Why!

Let’s take a look at some of the differences between the two games and try to understand better who should play each one

Mark Patrickson 5,110 Views on 4/5/23

Poker Mental Game & PlanningPoker Player's Guide To Intermittent Fasting

In this article, we're going to discuss the benefits of intermittent fasting and explain how to include it in your own poker routine

Matt VIP 7,043 Views on 21/9/21

Poker Mental Game & PlanningUncertainty - The Bane of Poker Players

In this article, we're going to discuss how much the uncertainty is affecting your brain

Matt VIP 6,563 Views on 16/9/21

Poker Mental Game & PlanningSwitching to Live Poker Post COVID-19

Let’s take a look at some of the most important differences that you must be aware of when switching to live play

Mark Patrickson 8,182 Views on 21/8/20

Poker Mental Game & PlanningHow to Study Poker in 2020

Here are some tips and tricks for making sure you get the most out of your time spent in the lab

Mark Patrickson 6,948 Views on 14/8/20

Poker Mental Game & PlanningCoronavirus Lockdown Poker Strategies Part Two: Dealing with Stress, Inactivity, and Isolation

Let’s take a look at some suggestions for keeping in decent physical and mental shape while the coronavirus pandemic situation is brought under control

Mark Patrickson 4,939 Views on 10/4/20

Poker Mental Game & PlanningCognitive Biases and How They Apply to Poker: Part Two

Here we continue our look at cognitive biases and how to notice them if they are affecting our play

Mark Patrickson 6,038 Views on 31/1/20

Poker Mental Game & PlanningCognitive Biases and How They Apply to Poker: Part One

There is a long list of biases that affect our results, but unfortunately most of us are unaware of how they affect us

Mark Patrickson 7,383 Views on 3/1/20

Poker Mental Game & PlanningSelf-Talk In Poker

In this article, we're going to explore the importance of a proper approach to self-talk in poker.

Matt VIP 7,285 Views on 20/12/19