poker software

Posted 8 years ago

Hello everyone,

I'm new to poker software and tools in general and I'm trying to get a toolbox together.

I was trying to figure out the difference between an odds calculator and an advice engine.

Appreciate any feedback on the matter...

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Posted 8 years ago
War...: Hello everyone,

I'm new to poker software and tools in general and I'm trying to get a toolbox together.

I was trying to figure out the difference between an odds calculator and an advice engine.

Appreciate any feedback on the matter...

What is an advice engine? Is that what the actual software is called or do you mean something like Poker Snowie?
Posted 8 years ago
i saw it on terms of pokerstars and wasn't sure what it was...
looks like something that gives you advice on what do do...
Posted 8 years ago
If you're talking about using either toy during play, that's some murky territory. If you mean for study/improvement, then an odds calculator like Stove or Equilab is great. It helps you practice putting opps on a range and knowing how much equity you have vs them. It's a great tool for learning.
Posted 8 years ago
There is probably not a clear distinction between the two, i.e there is a decent amount of grey area. I would imagine for the most part the two terms are interchangeable.

But generally it's worth making a distinction between something that requires human input such as pokerstove, and something that automatically takes information from the table to give advice such as Starshelper. As a rough guide the more automatic something is the less likely it is to be accepted by somewhere like Pokerstars. I.e currently something like Pokerstove is allowed while something like PokerEdge is not last time I checked.
Posted 7 years ago
Hello, recently I found a good poker software This can become an indispensable tool for the game of poker. I hope it will be useful.
Posted 7 years ago
Usually it is not permitted to use any software helping you in the game together with the game client.