Microstakes Calling shooves preflop

Posted 7 years ago

What is a solid range preflop to call a shoove with against a person who just shooves over ur 3x open

He has 50-100 BB JJ+ AQs+?
And 50 or less BB 99+ AQo+?

Or is this to lose? Im really struggeling against those random shoovers I never know what range is solid and what range is to lose

Thanks in advanced for the reply.

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Posted 7 years ago
I think you need to change the BB ranges a bit there and narrow it down a bit

50-65 BB - 1010+ AQos

65-80BB - 1010+ AQs+

80-100BB - JJ+ AKos+

Unless they are total maniacs for the 80-100 part then use the 50-65 range.

Under 50bb

If loose 88+ AJs+
If tight or unknown 99+, AQos+
Posted 7 years ago
Thanks for the reply Smile
Posted 7 years ago
If it's a reg shoving 100bb over a 3bb raise at 10nl or lower, I fold almost all my range because it usually only ever is AA. I've not played 25nl or lower for a while but when I did the only time regs were shoving over a 3x was with AA.