İmproving Poker

Posted 8 years ago

Hello guys,

I'm playing poker for 3 years.. I started SNG and MTT in pokerstars.. in 2. year, I won a few pretty big tournament and a lot of sng.. I was studying and watching a lot of poker videos and I learned good things for improving my poker.. because I was not knowing anything.. Pokerstars closed to my country.. and I transfered cash game.. in the cash game I am small winner for 1.5 years.. I watched a lot of video, reading a lot of articles.. and books.. I feel always I am at the same stage.. and I feel like "I know this strategy"....For 3 months I am playing just poker without job.. full time poker.. i love this game and I want to be pro player.. I don't want to give up.. I want to better player than now.. please help me.. How can I improve my poker.. .

note: my english not very good.. I'm sorry

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Posted 8 years ago
Hi @Quinine

Firstly I would recommend you find the best room and deal suited to your needs. Those extra %s or soft games can make all the difference, especially if you are dependent on poker as an income. What country are you in? And what stakes are you currently at? Let me know and I can recommend you a good room.

I would also suggest that you create a video for @Jon-PokerVIP to review, we offer those here for free. If you have studied a lot and have not improved as much as you'd like, having someone else take a look at your game and pick up on any leaks you may have will be a good way forward.

Feel free to add me on Skype if you would like to chat keri.pokervip

Hope this helps and good luck! Smile
Posted 8 years ago
I think the first thing you need to do to improve is to be honest with your weaknesses.

What would you say your top 5 leaks/weaknesses are?
Posted 8 years ago*
I think, I don't know my leaks.. But I have a few mental game leaks.. for example: looking to the cashier when won big pot or lost big pot... and sometimes villian turn check.. river pot size bet and I don't believe opponent's range and snapp calls with medium cards and I lost.. Lastly, I read Dusty's "Treat Your Poker Like A Business" .. it's very good for mental game.. I was not looking at the cashier for one week when I finished this book.. And I feel , I am winner player and good focus everday for A game.. But after 1 month, I started looking at the cashier in the sessions, no plan just grind.. and give up when you bored..
Posted 8 years ago
You have to basically detach yourself from the money side of it in the sense of it truly does not matter what the cashier says after a hand. It matters what it says in the long run as in more money is coming in than going out.

It is hard to get to this level of detachment but you basically need to train your brain in like win rates, stats and everything else before money.
Posted 8 years ago
@MattVIP may be able to offer you some advice here. He writes articles on poker mental game and planning for PokerVIP, you should check those out too, they may be helpful Smile