Overbet River

Posted 7 years ago

Leakbuster says i need to overbet River more, but i seem to only get folds when i do that.

When do you over bet river? On what type of villain to use it on?

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Posted 7 years ago
Overbet works fine against regs and fish.I like to overbet or bet pot when my range is polarised to nuts/air. I'm really unbalanced in these spots at the micros with only value hands but I don't think that matters.

For example if the board is AAA34 and I have Ax, this would be a spot where I may overbet/pot the river. Often villains will level themselves into calling with a 99-KK feeling I can't have an ace. I would not do it on boards where every draw comes in as I'll get too many folds.

Other examples are when I know the player is a total station and hates folding, then I like to potbet just to get max value.
Posted 7 years ago
If you only ever get folds when overbetting then why are you not bluffing a ton in those spots?

The example Harvie give with quads is really effective as micro players hate to fold any full house. It's also good when you have a nutted hand and all the draws miss, people are a lot likely to pay you off.

As you experiment with doing this don't get results orientated because you don't get many of these spots coming up and it takes a while to iron out the variance.
Posted 7 years ago
I tried to experiment somewhat, but on zoom, it is hard to build up good stats on Villains. I find it very hard to figure out if he is a fish or just a calling station who will not fold his small pair.
Posted 7 years ago
Check their vpip/prf after say 50 hands, if they have a vpip of over 40, there's a good chance they are a fish. You don't need hundreds of thousands of hands, just enough so you can tell whether a player is a fish/reg.

I would not overbet fish with bluffs though just value Laugh .
Posted 7 years ago
I'm starting to overbet more on turns and rivers both as bluffs and for value. I think the key to overbets is being polarized and knowing your opponent.

I'm overbetting my bluffs when I have nutted draws with varying equity and also when I block the nuts (3 hearts on board with the ace of hearts in my hand etc). I'm very rarely overbetting a draw that isn't nutted as when we over bet a non-nutted draw and hit our hand we aren't truly polarized.

When I'm overbetting for value I'm doing so with my nutted hands especially when my opponent can have wide bluff catching ranges and hands with similar strength to mine (87 on JT9 when we have QK).

Info on opponents is very important when overbetting as the player type can heavily change how we play the hand
Posted 7 years ago
If check/check on the turn, overbetting the river works well, since many ppl think you're bluffing.