Fergals Top Tips for Beginners

Posted 7 years ago

Hi Guys,

I've put together this handy tip-book aimed at any new players who are starting out in the game. If you have any questions or queries don't hesitate to ask!

1. Don't open limp! Just don't do it - Limping is passive and passive is bad. If you see someone open limping you can be pretty confident they are a losing player, don't be one of them!!

2. Tag your opponents - Most sites offer some form of tagging/colour coding system. Create a system and use it to make people effectively. Some common tags I find useful are "Suspected fun player", "Confirmed fun player", "Confirmed VERY fun player", "Nit", "Overly Aggressive"....you get the point. Create your own system and use it, especially in hands where you get to see your opponents cards.

3. Bet for thin value - One of the largest mistakes I see people make at the micros is not betting for value anywhere close to thinly enough and being way too showdown orientated. The river is where the pot is the largest, so your value bets are worth the most. You must be willing to bet rivers without the nuts. Remember, people hate to fold Smile

4. Small hand, small pot, big hand, big pot - Know how much your hand is worth and create a plan for how you want to progress with the hand. Do you want to get three streets of value? Do you want to check raise and play for stacks? Ask yourself these types of questions at every flop and make a plan for how you want to play the hand.

5. Slowplaying will often just cost you value - There are some cases where slowplaying is going to be better, but in general when you flop a big hand you should be looking to shovel as much money into the pot as possible. This links in with point 3 about people not liking to fold!

6. Trust your instincts with folds - When I started out I would find myself in spots where I called down "Just in case" I'm ahead when really I knew I was going to be beat very often. Trust yourself and fold hands accordingly where villain is showing immense strength.

7. Understand variance - If you play poker you are going to lose some stacks in hands where you get unlucky. A lot of them. This is just the nature of the game, remember though that you will also win a lot of stacks! If an opponent makes a bad play and gets lucky, don't get angry but be happy that you made the correct play. This is what will make you a winning player and you opponent a losing player in the long run.

8. Review your sessions as much as possible - Go through your hands, look at your big winning hands and your big losing hands and think about alternative lines you could have take where you could have won more/lost less in certain spots. Always ask the question - If the cards were reversed would I have done anything differently to my opponent that would have been better? It is always useful to think about hands from every perspective.

9. Understand the power of position - If you use any tracking software and look at your results you should notice that you are losing money from the blinds, and winning money from all other positions. The closer you are to the button, the more profitable you should be as you will have position post flop more. This means you are able to play far more hands from later positions that early positions. This is a crucial concept to grasp and you must take it into account when you are deciding what hands you are looking to play.

10. Find a site with a good rakeback structure and soft pools - The 6th best player in the world is still going to be a losing player if they are playing at a table with the top 5 players. The standard of play at different sites can vary dramatically, as well as the amount of money you get from the site for playing in the form of rakeback. Keep this in mind when deciding what site you are looking to play on for your main games.

11. Never be afraid to ask for help. Everybody started out at the same level so even advanced players will know how daunting the game can be at first and there are a huge amount of resources out there where people are happy to help new players improve. Take advantage of this!

Hope this has helped!


Last Post 7 years ago by






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Posted 7 years ago*
you have pulled this tips from some poker book, i just cant remmember atm from which exactly....maybe Fees 6max guide or mbmls book
Posted 7 years ago
I can assure you that I did not pull these from anywhere, I wrote them up myself today. There will obviously be a decent amount of overlap with a lot of different material aimed at beginners which is why you may think this was the case but I wrote these up ad hoc without using any sources.

Ironically enough there is actually video evidence of me doing this, I forgot to turn off my stream this morning and the end of todays VOD is me in the process of writing them.
Posted 7 years ago*
Nice job fergrberger. YesCool

Unlike most new players, you will find the fold button is your friend. Get to know it well.
Posted 7 years ago

and also for limping part, color coding i know it is from some article or book, part about 6th player at the table also..
Posted 7 years ago
As I said, there is always going to be overlap in material aimed at beginners. The expression "Big hand, big pot, small hand, small pot" is not exactly an unknown expression.
Posted 7 years ago
Why have a go at someone who's trying to help? Chill @Nikola07 , beginner stuff is fairly ubiquitous, but it's always nice to see it laid out in a somewhat logical form for newer players to bookmark for easy reference, rather than go hunting for it blindly.

Thanks @fergrberger
Posted 7 years ago
Guys, I'm starting to get sick of poker...what can I do against this?
Posted 7 years ago
What's bringing on you feeling this way? As in is it results not going your way that's causing it, just not enjoying it anymore, combination of a few factors, etc?
Posted 7 years ago
Poker is a good business for poker rooms. I do not think they cleanly work .I always lose my stack with a monster card, this can happen many times during the day. I think that what the system does't let me get a plus.:)
Posted 7 years ago
BigBigWolf: Poker is a good business for poker rooms. I do not think they cleanly work .I always lose my stack with a monster card, this can happen many times during the day. I think that what the system does't let me get a plus.:)

You are giving the rooms far more credit than they deserve...to come up with an algorithm which makes people loses but at a fair amount of time but for there to be winners and even bigger losers would take some Einstein type genius to figure it out!

Some people just take bad beats and lose sometimes sadly...
Posted 7 years ago
BigBigWolf: Poker is a good business for poker rooms. I do not think they cleanly work .I always lose my stack with a monster card, this can happen many times during the day. I think that what the system does't let me get a plus.:)

You are giving the rooms far more credit than they deserve...to come up with an algorithm which makes people loses but at a fair amount of time but for there to be winners and even bigger losers would take some Einstein type genius to figure it out!

Some people just take bad beats and lose sometimes sadly...

This. Over and over again. People seem to think that this would be an easy thing to accomplish, in reality making a program that would encourage action/rig the game in any way would be nearly impossible to make in a manner that would not go noticed by the people who make their living from the game.

If you sit down and play a live session, after 6 hours you may be lucky with a good dealer and have played close to 200 hands. I've sat down for a quick pre work session and within 15 minutes I've played the same number of hands. Because the volume of online is exponentially larger than what you can obtain live, you will suffer more beats, but you will also have more wins as well. You just remember the beats more due to the way we are wired:

To quote my man Mikey D - "Few players recall big pots they have won, strange as it seems, but every player can remember with remarkable accuracy the outstanding tough beats of his career." It seems true to me, cause walking in here, I can hardly remember how I built my bankroll, but I can't stop thinking of how I lost it."
Posted 7 years ago
Thanks for the usefull tips! Im a beginner myself and i started realising that i just not know enough about chances and strategys
Posted 7 years ago
What you say is not bad, you're probably poker coach or live on raik :). Of course you know that of all the players who play poker in plus only about 0.5 - 1% of the players, all of your other players just stupid?
Posted 7 years ago*
Players can lose at poker without being stupid, I don't like the word stupid it's too much of a generalisation and unwarranted. Where did you get your 0.5 - 1% from, source please.
Posted 7 years ago
I learned this from the Russian websites .You can also ask to repeat them.
Posted 7 years ago
It's ok it may just be a language miss, no problem Smile
Posted 7 years ago*
KiwiEmmen: Thanks for the usefull tips! Im a beginner myself and i started realising that i just not know enough about chances and strategys

My pleasure, good look on your grind! FYI - I stream a lot of micros poker at www.twitch.tv/fergb12345 if your interested in checking out some of the live action.

BigBigWolf: What you say is not bad, you're probably poker coach or live on raik :). Of course you know that of all the players who play poker in plus only about 0.5 - 1% of the players, all of your other players just stupid?

I don't believe that less than 1% of poker players are profitable, but as was already pointed out it is entirely possible to be a losing poker player without being "stupid". Everyone that starts out in the game will start out as a losing player, myself included. I would estimate that in my first couple years of playing online poker I lost around $1k at 10NL. I was by no means stupid, but it was something I did for fun in my spare time. People spend their money on all sorts of hobbies, I treated poker the same.

It wasn't until I started taking the game seriously that I started to win consistently. I do not play professional but I do make a nice side income on the side purely from poker and poker related activities, but I still love playing the game which is the main reason I keep going. The extra $$$ is just a nice side bonus Wink
Posted 7 years ago
Its strange....You say you don't like the termin "stupid" but you will definitely agree that most people who think they can get rich with an online poker fall into this category?
I don't want to offend anyone with my expressions, today I lost two all-in and 12% of my bankroll two players who for two hours playing on luck and he was always lucky, went to the bank 95o, 72s and won ... and when I will come card and how you can get pleasure in this game?
Posted 7 years ago*
If someone thinks they can get rich playing online poker, more power to them. If they think this is an easy feat, I would certainly consider them naive, but not stupid. Being stupid implies a lack of intelligence, not a lack of knowledge. If someone isn't aware of how challenging it is to make serious money in the game that does not automatically render them stupid, just not well informed about the challenges of the game. I get pleasure out of the game because:

A) I find strategy/mental games entertaining.
B ) I enjoy the social aspect of the game. Some of my closest friends IRL I have met via poker, and I would also consider a lot of people I only know through online forums/chat groups to be friends.
C) I win money consistently from the game.