Did this also happened to someone of you before?

Posted 7 years ago

Hi Guys ,

have a question. Did this ever happened to someone of you before?

Play on StanJames now for 5 weeks. Since 3 days I play also Anonymus Tables. And there I get the Impression that there are some Employees of StanJames or Microgaming playing (only with the goal to milk members).

I know this is a little bit weird. I´m normally not the guy who said that online Poker is rigged, but what happens here is absolute mysterious.

It happens now the 5th time in a row that a guy came to the table (every time when I hold Premium - 3times AA, 1 KK and 1 AKs). He sit always on UTG, payed the Blind, and goes All-in without thinking Surprised (first with 74o, second with 64o, third with JTo, fourth with K2s and last with 96o). Because of I have Premium I was wondering and called (what exactly everybody would do with AA/KK/AKs). 5 times he won with 4 straights and the last with Flush. after he Played exactly this one hand he leave the table. Sounds weird but this exactly happened in this way. And that it happened now the 5th time the last 3 days makes me a little bit thoughtful. And I don´t think that this is all only Luck.

Did this ever happened to one of you before?

And pls don´t mark me as a frustrated Player, cause I can handle all ups and downs right, but such a mysterious thing I never saw before (was also the first time I played Anonymus table). It wasn't me!


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Posted 7 years ago*
Thats life buddy, be grateful you get the chance to take his stack.Unfortunately it happens,You don't mention stakes but I'm guessing Micros??Players sit down with their last £4 and stick it in trying to lose it,when they win they leave and do the same at Next stake etc etc.Especially on Anon tables as they have no fear of being known.

There the players we dream of!

As for asking what you should do with AA,KK and AK v an UTG All-In is pretty daft and you know the answer.

If you can quickly tag them during the hand with a note,it carries over for when they then sit down sometime at a reg table.