Posted 9 years ago
Welcome to the site Taylor good to see you arround.

Having a surgery is really a great oportunity to focus on poker, glad your making your best effort for it Wink
Well see you arround on the forum.

Take care and have a nice recuperation bro!
Posted 9 years ago
Hey Guys.

My Name is Frenk from Switzerland. Would like to start to play a poker for real.

Unfortunately I just started, so... there are many things to improve.

Looking forward to play with someone poker. Smile
Posted 9 years ago
Leo: Hey Guys.

My Name is Frenk from Switzerland. Would like to start to play a poker for real.

Unfortunately I just started, so... there are many things to improve.

Looking forward to play with someone poker. :)

Hey Frenk! Great to have you on the site.

How did you find poker and which games are you currently playing?

I have 2 great site options for you. They are both perfect for beginners and they run all the games you could ever imagine.

Site 1:

Unibet: A site built for new players. With a free 10 euro cash game ticket, huge deposit and the option to change your screen name up to 3 times per day this could be the perfect site for yourself. Also if you sign up with us through that link i will send you out a bag of PokerVIP merchandise!

Site 2:

BetVictor: Offering soft games, blaze tables and up to 50% rake back this could be a goldmine. Sign up through that link and again you will receive a bag filled with VIP merchandise.

Hope to see you crushing the tables and posting around the forum. Anything you need let me know anytime.
Posted 9 years ago
Hello everyone, My name Jess Money and i 've been playing poker for 6 years. My favorite game is No-Limit Holdem and Omaha. My sites are Full Flush Poker and Bovada Poker
Posted 9 years ago
Good morning all. I'm superwomble, I play at a lot of sites but mainly Ipoker and Stars, only small stakes, 6max NL usually. I also play in a local Redtooth pub league, small beer cash games at the pub, and casino tournaments whenever I can. I've been playing for almost 10 years I think, but not as much as I'd like! I live in Dover, Kent, and I like fish sticks!
Posted 9 years ago*
AcesBamBam: Hello everyone, My name Jess Money and i 've been playing poker for 6 years. My favorite game is No-Limit Holdem and Omaha. My sites are Full Flush Poker and Bovada Poker

Is that your real last name or is this an American/Italian nickname type thing we see on TV?

I got called BIG MONEY from an American pal of mine which i thought was brilliant.
Posted 9 years ago
superwomble: Good morning all. I'm superwomble, I play at a lot of sites but mainly Ipoker and Stars, only small stakes, 6max NL usually. I also play in a local Redtooth pub league, small beer cash games at the pub, and casino tournaments whenever I can. I've been playing for almost 10 years I think, but not as much as I'd like! I live in Dover, Kent, and I like fish sticks!

Welcome welcome!

How drunk do people get in these games and how legit are they nowadays? I remember playing one once and afterwards we had a cash game which was apparently illegal and the money was flying.
Posted 9 years ago
Hi Jon thanks for the welcome, and apologies if I was out of order with the tweets Smile

The pub league is a nationwide company and is all legit. We do have the odd barney when someone has a few too many while playing but never too bad and always sorted quickly.

The cash games in the other pub on the other hand, I'm not so sure about how legit they are...! I know the law is that you can only have £5 as the maximum buy-in, all the buy-ins have to go in the prize fund, and the maximum prize fund can't be more than £100. We sort of have that, but guess we have a slightly grey area in that we allow rebuys, and a not so grey area in that sometimes the pot is over £100. Just hope we don't get busted I guess!

As it's just low stakes for fun in a pub quite a few of us can get a little merry but we rarely have any bust ups - I can only think of a couple and we've been playing it for years now.
Posted 9 years ago
I heard there is a pub game in Falkirk that has 2k on the cash table every tuesday or thursday night. They also do a £30 freezeout, I was thinking of going but falkirk isn't the kind of place you want to go to and win like 1k from some random punter in a pub, be lucky if you get to the front door without being robbed lol It all must be legal though haha
Posted 9 years ago
Hey guys!

Thought it'd be nice to join PokerVIP community, hope you'll welcome me here. Been lurking around here for some time.

I'm 18yo guy from Lithuania, full name Zygintas though I'm Zygis for everyone. Probably you can't pronounce my lithuanian name correctly. Been playing under my father's name for some time in PS and fulltilt, mostly 6max cash up to NL10 when I started taking poker more serious. Had to withdraw my bankroll and didn't play for whole summer but now I got a small bankroll for NL5 so I will just try to get better and move up in stakes. Playing shorthanded cash at as MaxRaslabuha at the moment, any winamax micro regs here? Games are soft though the rake is enormous, don't know if it's a good choice to play there.

Currently I'm still going to school, last year of it. Probably going to study some kind of IT after it even though I don't really want it anymore but can't think of any other option with my chosen subjects in school.

I was really into bodybuilding for like 2.5 years, gained about 30 kilos in that time, but in summer lost 10 of it due to some personal problems. I don't lift and eat well anymore as there would be no time left for poker and I really want to improve in it so I can have better living while in uni.

That's all for the moment, thanks for reading! Smile
Posted 9 years ago
korin: Hey guys!

Thought it'd be nice to join PokerVIP community, hope you'll welcome me here. Been lurking around here for some time.

I'm 18yo guy from Lithuania, full name Zygintas though I'm Zygis for everyone. Probably you can't pronounce my lithuanian name correctly. Been playing under my father's name for some time in PS and fulltilt, mostly 6max cash up to NL10 when I started taking poker more serious. Had to withdraw my bankroll and didn't play for whole summer but now I got a small bankroll for NL5 so I will just try to get better and move up in stakes. Playing shorthanded cash at as MaxRaslabuha at the moment, any winamax micro regs here? Games are soft though the rake is enormous, don't know if it's a good choice to play there.

Currently I'm still going to school, last year of it. Probably going to study some kind of IT after it even though I don't really want it anymore but can't think of any other option with my chosen subjects in school.

I was really into bodybuilding for like 2.5 years, gained about 30 kilos in that time, but in summer lost 10 of it due to some personal problems. I don't lift and eat well anymore as there would be no time left for poker and I really want to improve in it so I can have better living while in uni.

That's all for the moment, thanks for reading! :)

Welcome! The PokerVIP offices are actually made up of a few Liths (as we like to call them) so i think we can pronounce your name close to perfect :).

Sadly i don't play on Winamax and have no choice in this matter as of OCT 1st as they no longer meet UK regulations so we are banned from playing there now Sad

Hope to see you being active on the forum and if you ever need anything just drop me a PM anytime!
Posted 9 years ago
Posted 9 years ago
fsadf3234adsfads123123: Hi

Hi there how are you? Welcome to the forum. Anything i can help you with?
Posted 9 years ago
Posted 9 years ago
Posted 9 years ago
About time I introduce myself i think... seeing as i've been roaming this forum for about two months now Cheeky

My name is Morten. My gaming tag is 'fanicia' although my pokerstars account is ancient so i play as 'carlacat' on there.
I played poker with funmoney for years on and off. However the last year or so i turned a half a million "fundollars" into 100 million,
so I figured i'd try out the real thing.

Im a 20 year old danish computer science student and my free time the last couple of months have been evolving around poker Smile
I take my school seriously so my poker grinding has to be done in the (few) hours im not studying. I believe in doing my research so
I spend as much time reading about poker, watching videos and taking the quizes on here as i do actually playing the game.
When i found this site I was looking for some people to talk to about poker. I spent a few years training League of Legends with a few online friends
and we had a ton of fun. I figured I'd try to do the same thing with my poker game. Therefore i try to stay active on here, post hand history questions and stuff like that (i know a few of you have been anwsering all my noobish questions already so thanks a bunch).

Im the kind of guy who works to achieve his goals so i hope to become good at poker, and in time give something back to this awesome community by helping any way i can Smile
Posted 9 years ago
My name is Vikke. I`m 24 years old. I have been playing poker around 2 years now. I started playing sit and go`s and got bored pretty fast and started playing full ring cash. I played full ring for a while with 40bb strategy and in some point i changed to 100bb strategy. After that I started playing 6max and been playing regularly around 1 year now. I`m currently regular at nl 50 and working hard to improve my game and see how far I can get.

I also do snowboarding and little skateboarding. I have been snowboarding around 10 years now and still love it. I`m also big fan of finnish baseball and ice hockey (KHL&NHL). Sometimes I play ice hockey too, but just for fun.

My poker goal is pretty much just improve in the game and get better every day. I`m not looking forward to play poker as a pro but some bonus income could be really nice. Really wanna see how far I can get. In poker it`s so much fun to see month after month how much improving have happened.
But yeah, that was pretty much all what I had to say at the moment.
This site have been super nice for my game theory!
Posted 9 years ago
fanicia: About time I introduce myself i think... seeing as i've been roaming this forum for about two months now Cheeky

My name is Morten. My gaming tag is 'fanicia' although my pokerstars account is ancient so i play as 'carlacat' on there.
I played poker with funmoney for years on and off. However the last year or so i turned a half a million "fundollars" into 100 million,
so I figured i'd try out the real thing.

Im a 20 year old danish computer science student and my free time the last couple of months have been evolving around poker Smile
I take my school seriously so my poker grinding has to be done in the (few) hours im not studying. I believe in doing my research so
I spend as much time reading about poker, watching videos and taking the quizes on here as i do actually playing the game.
When i found this site I was looking for some people to talk to about poker. I spent a few years training League of Legends with a few online friends
and we had a ton of fun. I figured I'd try to do the same thing with my poker game. Therefore i try to stay active on here, post hand history questions and stuff like that (i know a few of you have been anwsering all my noobish questions already so thanks a bunch).

Im the kind of guy who works to achieve his goals so i hope to become good at poker, and in time give something back to this awesome community by helping any way i can :)

Hey welcome to the forums Smile Seems you have good discipline for the game, studying and practicing before going ahead and trying out real money. You are in the best place to learn for sure, wishing you luck at the tables!

Whats the plan? What are you playing at the moment?
Posted 9 years ago
vikkeeh: My name is Vikke. I`m 24 years old. I have been playing poker around 2 years now. I started playing sit and go`s and got bored pretty fast and started playing full ring cash. I played full ring for a while with 40bb strategy and in some point i changed to 100bb strategy. After that I started playing 6max and been playing regularly around 1 year now. I`m currently regular at nl 50 and working hard to improve my game and see how far I can get.

I also do snowboarding and little skateboarding. I have been snowboarding around 10 years now and still love it. I`m also big fan of finnish baseball and ice hockey (KHL&NHL). Sometimes I play ice hockey too, but just for fun.

My poker goal is pretty much just improve in the game and get better every day. I`m not looking forward to play poker as a pro but some bonus income could be really nice. Really wanna see how far I can get. In poker it`s so much fun to see month after month how much improving have happened.
But yeah, that was pretty much all what I had to say at the moment.
This site have been super nice for my game theory!

Hey there welcome to the forums Smile Seems like you have done well in such a short space of time. You play regular tables or speed? What site are you on? Best of luck to you!
Posted 9 years ago
vikkeeh: My name is Vikke. I`m 24 years old. I have been playing poker around 2 years now. I started playing sit and go`s and got bored pretty fast and started playing full ring cash. I played full ring for a while with 40bb strategy and in some point i changed to 100bb strategy. After that I started playing 6max and been playing regularly around 1 year now. I`m currently regular at nl 50 and working hard to improve my game and see how far I can get.

I also do snowboarding and little skateboarding. I have been snowboarding around 10 years now and still love it. I`m also big fan of finnish baseball and ice hockey (KHL&NHL). Sometimes I play ice hockey too, but just for fun.

My poker goal is pretty much just improve in the game and get better every day. I`m not looking forward to play poker as a pro but some bonus income could be really nice. Really wanna see how far I can get. In poker it`s so much fun to see month after month how much improving have happened.
But yeah, that was pretty much all what I had to say at the moment.
This site have been super nice for my game theory!

Hey there welcome to the forums Smile Seems like you have done well in such a short space of time. You play regular tables or speed? What site are you on? Best of luck to you!
I play regular tables mainly in microgaming and sometimes in ipoker, but really seldom these days. Also started practicing zoom poker in stars. Started new goal with soom. Just starting from the bottom and playing my way up there and learn dynamics.