Check-raising the turn with a TPGK or better

Posted 8 years agoEdited 8 years ago

When is it a good to time to check raise the turn when we have a initiative? Here is an example:

Player raises from CO with AK/AQ and gets called by the button. The flop is Axx, CO bets the flop and gets called.
I suppose that most of time the CO should bet the turn for value, but is it too transparent if we always check with only weak/mediocre hands? For this reason I am looking for spots to balance my checking range in situations like this so I am not only checking when I miss the flop and give up the pot. Any thoughts?

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Posted 8 years ago
I also would like to hear some thoughts
Posted 8 years ago
The problem is often that the CO bets the flop in a way too high frequency, on most boards the BTN has rangeadvantage and the better range should bet more often than the weaker range, this is also true on most A-high-boards.

The rest really depends on the boards, AJx is not A7x, A98 is much different than A45 CO vs. BTN.