3 bet improvement recommendations.....

Posted 8 years agoEdited 8 years ago

Hello everyone,
I've got a few months off work at least so I'm going to be putting in some heavy volume at the tables.
I've been playing on full tilt for the past few months having played on stars and long story short, my 3 bet stats are at an embarrassing 2/3 on average over about 70k hands.
I'll be playing at stars once again so I'm aiming to improve my game significantly in the next few months.
I've messed around a lot and experimented with starting hands etc but generally now find my opening stats from position are a lot better and settled although I do need to open more from the button.
I think a lot of the problems stat wise have been due to moving from stars to full tilt - it's a very small player pool and the regs are very very tight- they always seem to have me crushed when 3 betting!
So rather than trying to fix/improve everything in one go I'd like to improve/concentrate on one specific area I think that will see a significant improvement in my game, so I would like to concentrate on 3 betting.
Could anyone please direct/advise me on how to do this e.g coach videos/articles etc?

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Posted 8 years ago*
I'm not sure which stakes you play?

there is some good 3 bet content in the intermediate poker course section, such as 3 betting for value and defending against a 3 bet and a general introduction to 3 betting.

I found it helpful but I'm still a beginner so I suppose it could help depending on your current knowledge. Or it could just be good to look at again just to refresh your mind if your more advanced?

There's also a good video in that section. Thinks it's called something like 3bet leak finder.

Posted 8 years ago
👍🏻 cheers mate.
I play 10nl and feel like I need to start taking things more seriously whilst I've got the time to and start dissecting my game and making consistent improvements.
Appreciate you taking the time to reply.
Posted 8 years ago
I don't have specific articles to link, but I know the ones by @w34z3l about 3betting are great. I still review them from time to time.

This is off topic, I don't want to derail, bu you might want to think about switching sites. There are much softer places to play, and you can grind out a bonus while you're at it, which will help your BR.
Posted 8 years ago
@CycleVancouver - yeah I know stars isn't the easiest place to play and the general recommendations are to play at sites like unibet and bet victor but unfortunately for me I took part in a match betting scheme called profit accumulator (which is totally legal and legitimate) but meant I signed up for the vast majority of these sites in the sportsbook sections so I get no sign ups etc.
I also get really bored playing like 6 tables instead of say 9-12 which has been my default for years.
I'm thinking of grinding it out on stars at 10nl which I have found to still have a decent fish population and the sheer volume of players just cannot be matched anywhere.
When I get the bankroll to have a crack at 25nl, I'll maybe be jumping to one of the other "softer" sites.
Thank you for the advice though as I really appreciate it.