Bad Regs (micros)

Posted 7 years ago

Just want to get peoples thoughts on this. Playing on Sky 10NL I see the same regs playing pretty much all hours of the day, every day. There are half a dozen or so that literally seem to be playing not just full time, but all the time. And they're always on as many tables as they can get. But they are AWFUL! Obviously I'm not good enough to judge how good players are. But limping all the time, calling iso raises with junk, limp folding, over calling OOP, this is all really bad right. Great for me of course because it's so easy to beat them. But my questions are:

Can they possibly be winning?
If they aren't winning, how can they afford it?
But if they are, HOW?
Who are they?
They can't have jobs but even winning it's 10NL FFS so how can they do this full time?

I don't want them to stop but it just baffles me.

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Posted 7 years ago
Bad bot programming?
Posted 7 years ago
Yo deffs not bots as lets face it Sky is too small, rewards too low in these games and rake is to high...also they are not playing like bots and talk frequently in chat.

anyways I have also noticed over the years even in the mid stakes games there are people such as these and well they will be losing players. I have no idea how they afford it or the reason. I have made probably 25 videos in the micros and always see the same names just taking terrible lines and seeming to just lose most of the time. HOWEVER they will have some winning days due to other recreational players joining in and well just luck.

I would say to just note the shit out of them and exploit to the max before their money actually runs out. I am sure if you look at Sky over the last 12,24,36,48 months there will have been regs just like these guys who just no longer exist.......even there were a bunch of Sky 'pros' just 48 months ago which went to the players who put in sick volume over the years......I see 0% of these on the site anymore.

Posted 7 years ago
@Jon-PokerVIP Yeh it's crazy. I do prefer winning money from bad regs who know what they're getting into, rather than the true recreationals. If they're happy to keep reloading every time I stack them, I'm happy to keep doing it Cool
Posted 7 years ago
Yeh just gotta take from everybody and get the most you can on Sky before they are gone.

Which regs do you rate? Top 5?