VPN, to use or not to use, thats the question...

Posted 6 years ago

(one last try, now maybe with a more engaging "tiltle")

Hello, pokernauts!

Here is the reason of "the question".
I live in a country where poker online as to much strict laws not allowing me to play in the sites that offer better deals and with a good enough player pool. So for what I know I have two options: leave my country or use a vpn. I searched a lot about the use of vpn for poker online and i didnt found something that really assured that it was safe so i started to look for countries where i could move to. The thing is that i have 2 little children and of course i dont want to leave them even if it is "only" for 2 years, which is the maximum i think i would stay abroad.

Given this, I want to give it a try again to the use of vpn or something else that works to be able to stay in my country close to my children.

So, can you give me some kind of support about this telling me trough here or personal message what you know through experience that works or doesnt work?

Thanks in advance!

Last Post 6 years ago by






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