Posted 7 years ago
At the start of every year I start tracking my wins and losses, after 2 months I can never be bothered lol definitely up though after couple decent wins

You at Didsbury tonight @Gus Fring ? I'm heading down, may play the 50 cash if it's open for an hour before late regging the tournament, and then return to it when I bust
Posted 7 years ago
AshVIP: You at Didsbury tonight ?

Yeh will see you there mate.

I'm heading down, may play the 50 cash if it's open for an hour before late regging the tournament, and then return to it when I bust

Last couple of Fridays I have rang around 9.30 and they said its not running yet, so was planning on setting off at 10, think I'll just ring them around same time, be my luck it starts early Laugh

Posted 7 years ago
Ah I'l just play the tourney first then Cheeky See you there
Posted 7 years ago
Nice playing with you over this weekend @Gus Fring how did you end up last night?
Posted 7 years ago
AshVIP: Nice playing with you over this weekend @Gus Fring how did you end up last night?

Yeh it was great playing with you to mate. You wasn't kidding was you!?


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I got Gee to thank for that. I will give a proper update, but feeling pretty knackered Laugh

How did you get on with Cash/PLO/MTT?.
Posted 7 years ago
MAAAAAAAAAAATE! What time were you there till??

Think you had £60odd when I left, that is some going!

I ended up at £200 after buying in for £60.

Told you about that table! Laugh
Posted 7 years ago
I was there til near 1 , and the only calories I had seen was from the orange squash Laugh . I would of kept playing - but secretly wanted to go - but a guy comes over and says last 3 hands, we was playing 3 handed for a bit then when this old asian sat down we thought game would keep going, the woman we was playing with wasn't happy Laugh . She told me they have that pit game at Luton, but when I AA'ed that shit, I was like fuck that 185 miles Surprised , I noticed though they got a stop in Leeds and Sheffield, you ever been to them casino's?.
Posted 7 years ago
Racks on racks on racks
Posted 7 years ago
Anyone playing tonight?.
Posted 7 years ago
Nahhh too hot to drive anywhere lol, got family birthday tomorrow as well. May head up to Bolton on Monday.

Are you playing tonight?
Posted 7 years ago
Yeh think thats what has made me feel shit all, not played/studied, started to feel a bit better today. Planning on going to Bolton when I had my tea Laugh . Also think they are hosting a pub league's qualifier/final on Sunday, so planning on going then as well.
Posted 7 years ago
Ah okay, let me know how it is! Think I'll go Monday, play the baby cash for a few hours then play the PLO comp.

Not give us details about Sunday yet with those nice racks of chips Cheeky
Posted 7 years ago
AshVIP: Ah okay, let me know how it is! Think I'll go Monday, play the baby cash for a few hours then play the PLO comp.

I will see you guys there on Monday. Planning on playing cash for a few hours!
Posted 7 years ago
Ooo cool, I'll wear a PokerVIP tshirt so easily identifiable Cheeky
Posted 7 years ago
AshVIP: Not give us details about Sunday yet with those nice racks of chips :P

Not been feeling so great, I will defo do it tomorrow Laugh

AshVIP: Ah okay, let me know how it is! Think I'll go Monday, play the baby cash for a few hours then play the PLO comp.

I will see you guys there on Monday. Planning on playing cash for a few hours!

How did you guys get on?.
Posted 7 years ago
@Gus Fring its gone past tomorrow! Hope you're feeling better! Are you playing tonight?

Monday was a bit poo haha dropped a couple of buy-ins on the cash, just couldn't anything and like, when you've got A9 on a 973 flop and your 80bb shove gets called by A3 and you lose you know it's not your day Laugh

Made the final in the Omaha comp, finished 7th out of 30ish, there was a guy on the table who another player called "Harry Potter idiot", who was just a generally bad player but was running good. He called pot bet pre with 108642 hand pre (was 5-card Omaha). Then called a pot bet on the flop of KQ9 with 2 clubs, called a decent sized bet on the Q turn and then called my shove on the Jclubs river. Nice hand mate, no clubs in your hand and you hit a gut shot to the baby straight It wasn't me! on a paired board
Posted 7 years ago
AshVIP: @Gus FringMonday was a bit poo haha dropped a couple of buy-ins on the cash, just couldn't anything and like, when you've got A9 on a 973 flop and your 80bb shove gets called by A3 and you lose you know it's not your day Laugh

Made the final in the Omaha comp, finished 7th out of 30ish, there was a guy on the table who another player called "Harry Potter idiot", who was just a generally bad player but was running good. He called pot bet pre with 108642 hand pre (was 5-card Omaha). Then called a pot bet on the flop of KQ9 with 2 clubs, called a decent sized bet on the Q turn and then called my shove on the Jclubs river. Nice hand mate, no clubs in your hand and you hit a gut shot to the baby straight It wasn't me! on a paired board

That cash game is consistently that bad. Long term your printing money. But short-term it might cost you a few BIs.

Shame I couldn't make it on Monday. Was "Harry Potter" a guy with curly ginger hair and glasses?
Posted 7 years ago*
AshVIP: @Gus Fring its gone past tomorrow! Hope you're feeling better! Are you playing tonight?


I am giving live a miss this week, which is super annoying because both Bolton & BNR are hosting pub leagues on Sunday. Just haven't felt great since mugging them old ladies and beating that drunk up Laugh . Speaking of did I get my racks?. Got my first double up from an old lady, who just doesn't believe in protection and betting for value, she iso'ed a bunch of limpers, maybe there was a cc'er or two in front of me I call with J10os in LP, then flop comes like AKx and she puts this lol bet out, I call with gutter ott think I hit my Q she either bet small again or it went xx, otr she puts out another silly bet and I do the decent thing and raise it up and she calls Devil , then a piece of me dies for stealing that old ladies pension money.
Then a bunch of time goes by nothing happening, til my next pensioner comes along, I have 66 cant remember if I raised or cc, think flop was A6xfd , think she donks out I raise her, she calls ott x I pot ai and she tanks then begrudgingly folds.
Then the drunk sits down, who turns out to be the guy the bloke next to me was saying had hit quad 6's in the 3 card poker game for like 16-1 or 20-1, and that there friends. He buys in for £100 and is opening like for 20x and then shoving 105os aipf and taking people out including his friend who just keeps losing to him and the drunk keeps giving him money to play Laugh
The first blow comes in the shape of KQs think I overlimped, no point in gauding him into a ridiculous raise size or shoving, he iso's us, flop is all my suit Party cant remember the board now, he bets I call ott he shoves, think he just shows up with fuck all.
The next hit comes in the shape of KK, we are like 250bb deep now I raise, he 3b's to a silly size, I then make a normal sized 4b, he then shoves J10os lol, then the flop gives me a lil sweat comes 10xx, and we have put a sizeable dent him in, but still got a mountain of chips and probably still got the most money on the table.
Then the next hand was fucking nerveracking we are now at least 400bb deep now, I open AKs he 3b's.....yep you guessed it to a ridiculous size, I think no fucking way am 4b'in him here and take the path of least variance Giggle flop 8xxfd, weeeeeeeee nfd + 2 oc's, I check, and he says all in Puke my brain goes for a wander, and all am thinking about is when them contestants on Bullseye go we've had a lovely day Jim, I think were going to take the money. I mean I had gotten unstuck with my live roll now, my brain was glitching, fuck if I lose this, back to being stuck again, after some squirming, I came up with the idea of the coin, I say to him I cant make my mind up, so am gonna flip this coin and if its heads am calling........heads it is, I call ott blank Sweating ........otr its a beautiful A and I break him and we hug Laugh

AshVIP: Monday was a bit poo haha dropped a couple of buy-ins on the cash, just couldn't anything and like, when you've got A9 on a 973 flop and your 80bb shove gets called by A3 and you lose you know it's not your day :D

Yeh they are fucking awful, I dont know if this is good play live, but they fucking love donking when they have top pair into you, I mean some of them do it with any pair, and am just thinking why do you want to take your capped shitty hand and donk into me when I have the fucking range advantage. Same people also will then c/c with there draws Rolling on the floor laughing

I played both Friday and Sunday there, did ok in 25/25 in for 20 out for 60, the table broke, someone said its pretty rare that happens, but then there had only been 1 table running all night, maybe cause of bank hol. So I thought I would play 1/1 after the guy next to me said the play is just as bad as the 25/25 game. He wasn't kidding, some of the stuff i saw was ridiculous, but when it was my money in there all i saw was nuts Laugh , so went home -£40, so am 3 for 3 losses in 1/1 Sad

Sunday was proper tilting though was in there from 4 - 2.15 and played 25/25 , got there thinking yeh pub league and all that lot expecting it to be like BNR the other week, but it wasn't and just seemed to be filled with the old timer regs, an old asian guy, people called Bobby, was tilting me hard, kept on saying I was playing slow Rolling on the floor laughing , felt good when I stacked him with my A6s after the pfr bet and he raised - think was ai - on Q67fd , I shoved ai with nfd+p and we hit and take his Q8os out. Then after being card dead forever I got 1010 he was one of the limpers, when this guy who had been making weird sizes, like he would iso the limpers to a normal size then he would just go £3-4 and am thinking cant have nutty hands all the time he raises this big, I was thinking about 3b'in him if he hadn't made it this size - was about 160bb deep with him - so I just call and Bobby is in there as well , cant remember how many saw the flop at least 4 people it comes 1087fd , Bobby donks, oh the mystery what could he have Rolling on the floor laughing , and pfr calls, then for some inexplicable reason I fucking CALL Surprised , I think ingame my justification was thats one wet flop lets get a safe turn Rolling on the floor laughing , yeh and let the 2 guys behind you call, cause there isn't enough people in this pot already (clap), think they called as well ott J Puke it goes xx otr J Bobby now donks small, I think raise time? , dont mind if I do Devil , he then says allin, and am already scooping that pot, thats until he turns over J8os Angry

Made the final in the Omaha comp, finished 7th out of 30ish

Did you cash then?. You playing tonight?.

there was a guy on the table who another player called "Harry Potter idiot", who was just a generally bad player but was running good. He called pot bet pre with 108642 hand pre (was 5-card Omaha). Then called a pot bet on the flop of KQ9 with 2 clubs, called a decent sized bet on the Q turn and then called my shove on the Jclubs river. Nice hand mate, no clubs in your hand and you hit a gut shot to the baby straight It wasn't me! on a paired board


Never played 5 card before, am guessing you have to be even more capable of laying down strong hands?, is there anything else thats different to normal PLO?.

Wow think I went a bit overboard with the emoji's lol.
Posted 7 years ago
I just did a skim read of your action. JFC I think I need to catch a flight over. Wink
Posted 7 years ago
Hi there, I happened to come across this post and it is relevant for me as I have traditionally been an online player for some years now and wanting to switch up to live, but I am a little nervous about it as my bankroll is only 2k (not sure this is enough for live cash games) and also I only played a few live tourneys before and though I do prefer the feel of live, its a little intimidating with all live regs etc. I only started playing online cash games a few months ago as I was always an STT and MTT grinder online. I just feel I would like to get out there and see what the live scene has to offer. I live in Sheffield. Does anyone know what the best live cash games would be for me and also is 2k even enough of a bankroll. Then there is the fitting it into life alongside a full time job where I work different shift patterns week to week. Any advice on this as I suspect where I can sometimes sit down for 20min to 1 hour online and make £20-£100,I may have to sit down 8 hours in a casino (due to less cards being played per hour plus only 1 table at a time). Thats tough to do alongside a job... So any advice is welcome. PS unfortunatley I lose money online as much as I make it and the standard of play is so damn tough. From watching some of the cash game Vloggers that are about these days (mostly in US), it seems to me that live cash games are softer than online. Maybe I will need to adjust my game as online poker is ridiculously tough these days.