Biggest areas for improvement for 50 & 100nl regs?

Posted 7 years ago

I know this can quite player specific but in gneral which areas do regs at these stakes tend to be the biggest EV leaks?

I'm looking to study some specific areas through concept videos and pt4 analysis but I'm not too sure which area will net me the most in EV gains

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Posted 7 years ago
At these stakes (more 100) I find balancing your range to be very important and to be aggressive. At 25nl and lower you can just coast playing ABC but at 100 (and maybe 50) you really need to be more aggressive and not play straight forward. Regs at these level take notes.

The other one is table selecting, you need to do it like a boss to make money at 100+.
Posted 7 years ago
Simple answer - post flop decision making and aggression.

It is what i always notice players are doing wrong. Giving up in the wrong spots or betting in just the worst spots ever.

Pre flop the game is somewhat solved (in b4 trolls) and we all pretty much know what to do there. But post flop i don't think players take long enough to think about the entire situation. We become more robotic and decisions become much more automatic. Sometimes we need to step back and actually think of new lines to take and to really think if what we are doing is still correct or ever was.

Posted 7 years ago
I play FR100 so it's a bit different, but last time I did a HM review (about 3 months ago) I found that my cold call stat was a massive leak. Like horrifyingly bad. It'd be even worse if I took out the couple of regs who are huge "c/f when no cbet" players that I can easily exploit.