Effective stack and SPR(Stack to pot ratios) SitnGO(180-90)

Posted 8 years ago

I want to ask you if ES and SPR has power at SitNgo MTT ..And how can i used that terms to built my range.

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Posted 8 years ago
That's a wide ranging question!

Maybe if you asked something more detailed, you would get a better response.
Posted 8 years ago
As i know effective stack used to calculate SPR. If for example i have 20 BB ES
and i am in MP . I hold for e.x. AKo. Blinds are 150 300 ante 30 then the pot is 480 .
SPR= ES/FLOP POT SIZE. What betsize should i use ;
And what if i have something like suited connectors.

Sorry if i cant give you to unterstand and thanx for your patience.

Do i want a small SPR (ak) and a high SPR in the second(suited connectors);

Is this something i can use at StnGO or is only for a cash table;
Posted 8 years ago
I think your question kinda makes sense, but tbh there are better ways of thinking about this.

Once you get past the first few levels of the 90s and 180s, any MTT really, especially turbos, I wouldn't waste brain power computing SPR. When you have less than 10 BB you're just open-shoving any pot you enter anyway. 10-15 BB mostly still the same, especially in LP with a hand like T9s. You might want to b/c with AK/AQ, big PP since you want the action from worse hands, but this is very dependent on who is left to act and how close you are to the bubble. 15-20 BB you have a wee bit of room, but even then, b/f pre can be a leak in lots of spots, depending on the V who shoves on you. (if it's an aggresive reg who resteal-shoves, you should call with most of your aces, even though you'll hate it, so even with a 20 BB stack, as long as you're not near the bubble, openshoving a hand like A5s on the button isn't wrong, again depending on tendencies of players left to act.) Only once the ES gets back over 25 can we go back to something approaching "real" poker.

All the above maths and ranges are assuming antes are in play, and once antes are in play, most regs don't think as much in BB as they do in M, which is a term that means how many orbits you have left. A 10 BB stack, once we have antes, can only survive about 5 orbits (give or take). If you're looking to learn more about MTT play, learning what M is, and then learning proper shoving ranges when under 20BB, is a great place to start.

Posted 8 years ago
Thank you for your answer. Every additional help like links about M or shoving are welcomed. I know the basics about M but you may mean something more specialized.
Posted 8 years ago
Pretty much everyone who's ever grinded online MTTs (this used to be my thing before cash games) will tell you to buy the book, "Kill Everyone". I cannot stress enough how many people on forums (me included) say it changed their life. Authors Nelson and Streib.