Hand Analysis and Sweat Sessions

Posted 7 years ago

Hi guys,

My name is Rory, I'm from Dublin in Ireland. I've been grinding zoom on stars and am currently between 16NL and 25NL. I was pushing for 50NL until I went through a pretty brutal downswing and am currently on the way back up after a short and much needed break.

I was posting to see if anyone in and around the same stakes in a similar format would be interested in a regular hand analysis session and/or sweat sessions on Skype. I am constantly looking to improve and I'm looking for every opportunity to do so. So if anyone is interested or knows of a similar set up of study groups etc. I'd be extremely interested in getting involved.

Also, on a side note, I've started grinding micro stakes HU SNG's and really enjoy them and have found some decent success over a decent sample. I'm playing $3.50 at the minute but my BR will hopefully allow for the $7.00 games in the near future. My success is mostly down to the poor standard of opponent but I'd also like to do some work on my HU game and improve, so as with the zoom above, if there's any similar set ups or coaching available I'd love to hear about them.


Last Post 7 years ago by






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Posted 7 years ago*
Hey Rory, welcome to the forums. PokerVIP does have a Poker Strategy section where you can post hands and get advice off a pros on the site.