How much can I make if I play 1 zoom table 100NL?

Posted 7 years ago

Hi, I would like to know how much a solid player can win by playing 1 zoom table in 100 NL? I guess, something between 15-20$/ per hour with rake back. Is it reasonnable?

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Posted 7 years ago
If we say a solid player makes 4bb/100 after rakeback and in an hour of zoom you get 550 hands, then they make around $20.
Posted 7 years ago*
550h/hr seems like a lot for 1 table of Zoom. I thought they ran closer to 250-300h/hr per table. I don't know for sure, but if so then you would have to be winning at like 5-8bb/100 to be making $15-$20/hr. If they do, in fact, run at 500h/hr then yeah 4bb/100 would get you there, I think, if math is right Smile

Again, I don't know for sure, but that 5-8bb/100 seems a bit optimistic for 100z, but sure their are guys doing it, so no reason why you couldn't.

Edit: I guess its after rakeback so makes more sense
Posted 7 years ago
It's a cool short-term plan to make that but as a long-term goal you'll want to move up or increase tables. This type of stuff in theory works well but in practice can turn into hell when you go on 20bi downswing. Angry
Posted 7 years ago*
Assuming a solid player wants to earn 15$-20$ per hour playing 6-Max 100NL and he averages 250 hands per hour, he needs to win 6-8 bb/100 (after rakeback), which I think is reasonable enough for a solid player. Although, maximizing your hourly rate probably means playing more tables and sacrificing a little bit of your bb/100.
Posted 6 years ago
If your good enough to play 100nl zoom you shouldn't be 1 tabling. Move down to 50nl start 2 tabling the experience will be more valuable imo
