Multitabling Suggestions

Posted 8 years ago

Any suggestions on how to improve the speed of multitabling? (outside of my decisionmaking towards each hand obviously). Anything which helps to avoid misclicks, decrease the time it takes to enter in a bet, etc. Software, hardware, pokerclient/computer settings are all welcome suggestions ^_^
Thanks in advanced!!

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Posted 8 years ago
Having a decent computer is a help if you're playing fast fold tables at all. Installing a SSD was the biggest change I ever made because my database was so big it used to slow things down considerably. One thing which helped me before I made a new rig was having my Windows background set to a plain black screen. It's only a tiny thing but if your machine is screaming help after turning on HM2 it's something to try.

If you're playing on Pokerstars one of the packages such as Tableninja or Starshelper will streamline things for you as well. Even the inbuilt hotkey options will help a lot. If you're on a smaller site then try Googling for any auto hot key scripts that somebody has written and made public. Anything has to be faster than manually clicking and typing in bet sizes.
Posted 8 years ago
Yeah definitely check out hotkeys and predefined betsizing software, helps a lot in standard spots as openraise/3b/cb spots. Depending on your pokersite there are probably multiple options out there, what site you on?

Also, how do you organize your tables, tiled/cascaded/stacked etc?
Posted 8 years ago*
Optimizing your multi-tabling patterns is worthwhile and you already got some good suggestions on how to do that, but I'd also encourage you to stay safe-aware and recognize the point at which you're giving up on both your win rate and hourly by trying to play the amount of tables that you can't really handle. Multi-tabling is not a value in and of itself, it's a tool you use to get value and it's good to keep simple fact like that in the back of your head at all times to avoid confusion and sub-optimal decisions. Good luck!
Posted 8 years ago
Also, how do you organize your tables, tiled/cascaded/stacked etc?

I forgot about this. It's easy to assume that everybody sets up the same way as you.

I've always tiled the tables, no matter how many I'm playing. It's something I've been considering doing some experimentation on when I have time to play again. I've gone through months in the past playing up to 300K hands of Zoom a month, and giving myself really bad eye strain. This is probably down to the amount of eye movement more than anything else. I reckon if a player could play comfortably with the stacked method, they'd find it less stressful over long periods.
Posted 8 years ago
Ah i love this topic as back in the day 5-10 years ago this was always on my mind. I would watch mass tablers thinking "why can't i do this" and tried to find every single way of doing it correctly.

I believe the best way is slowly but surely. Add in 1 table every day or so until you become comfortable. If you are playing 6, try 7, if this does not feel right go back to 6 then try again./ Basically like taking shots at multi tabling. I

You need to make sure whatever the case that you are still profitable and it makes sense to do it. But basically with experience and practice it will just naturally happen anyways as your mind becomes sharper and you re-play the same hand thousands of times that it just becomes second nature.
Posted 8 years ago
I also think it's extremely difficult to go from multi tabling 15 tables to a more conservative 6/8 tables - I get sooo bired😆
All I can think of is, I'm not getting in enough volume!
It's my biggest poker dilemma.
Dusty Schmidt and Randy Lew are my internet heroes - man that's my dream playing that sort of volume, with those type of win rates and they played at decent stakes too!
I use to enjoy playing live but can't ever see myself doing it again as its mind numbingly boring in my opinion, which when I think about it is a little sad.
I don't chat when playing, I remember someone saying if you have time to chat..... Add a table.
But I also know it makes absolute sense when people say play less and make more quality decisions........ Ohhhh the dilemma!!
Posted 8 years ago
@HOUDINI101 This was my problem originally - boredom. I got so used to grinding mass tables that when less ran i just lost interest. So when i dropped down tables i played higher stakes. This seemed to sort that problem!