Torelli's Morning Rituals For A Winning Day

Posted 7 years ago

For me Alec is kinda slept on when it comes to a content creator and poker player. He has been creating for longer than most and is a confirmed beast. Both from his old online days and now live cash game grind in Macau.

His 10 are a little different to mine but I do see where he is coming from. He is quite hippy'ish and into zen and yoga type things which i am not but each to their own.

My morning rituals are more along the lines of

1. Have a drink - always water based
2. Brush my teeth
3. Get a shower
4. Get dressed - never go back to bed
5. School run/work run (if needed for family)
6. Have a coffee and food
7. Sit down and watch some content i enjoy/peruse the net
8. Get to it!


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Posted 7 years ago
I did just realise when reading this back how my rituals have never really changed in the sense of the first things i always do are the same. I guess it is normal but i wonder what would happen to my life if the first thing i did was like run outside or jump in an ice lake or something.
Posted 7 years ago
Nobody? Ok just meeeeeee
Posted 7 years ago
Its important to change the morning (or whole day) routine from time to time, because it is always possible to make the day better and more productive. The latest best new thing for me, is to eat in 9h-12h time period in a day. That means, if I drink my coffee at 8:00, then the last time I eat or drink (water is fine all day long) will be at around 18:00. There is a field of medical science behind this thing, but basically it is very good for body (especially liver, brain, muscles) and sleep. It reduces cancer and diabetes rates etc. After a week it is fairly easy for a cash poker player, but if you have bunch of kids, shift job or you grind mtt's, then it's probably impossible.
The 'jumping in ice lake' is very beneficial (If anyone wants to know why, you can ask me) but I take few min of cold shower instead of that, because there is no lake outside my apartment. The most people, that do this, take the cold shower in the morning. I take it just before my second or third session, to get focused. Works much better than coffee on nap.
So yeah, it's good to try different methods, so you can find what works the best for you. And by trying I mean give any new routine a week or two.
Posted 7 years ago
A good night sleep is also pretty underrated. I don't just mean getting enough sleep, but also sleeping during the right hours. We as humans are genetically programmed to sleep when the night comes and be up when the sun comes out. And you will mess your system up if you do the opposite, trust me. Now, I don't mean going to bet from 19:00 or 20:00, cause that's now how the world works. But going to bed between 23:00 and 00:00 (even 01:00) can really do wonders. There are many studies out there providing the science behind that. You wake up early without the need of an alarm and, most importantly, your mental and physical capabilities are on their highest all day long. And, of course, without any caffeine... (How much coffee people drink these days?)