What Is The Future Of Poker?

Posted 7 years ago

This question gets asked a lot and normally it is a negative response about it dying but I think we are all aware now that it is not. Mainly just due to site changes, growing tournament, live tours expanding and just the fact there are so many soft sites out there that you can make money if you really try.

So what is the future of poker?

I personally think the landscape looks pretty good although I am not sure if Stars are going about it the right way...only time will tell with them.

Sites like TonyBet imo are getting it right...they are not talking about sharks or fish they are just creating a great playing environment and rewarding players pretty generously. So for cash games I think the future is bright. One thing which annoys me is players saying "but there is not enough traffic there" and then leaving. If every player who said that sat down and played the games would run. Stop being impatient Smile

I do feel a bit part of poker in the future is tournaments. They seem to be getting bigger and bigger online plus live poker in general has really boomed....mainly because those who now know they cannot beat online and just want to lose a little slower now go play live hoping for the big score.

I noticed today the EPT has been demolished and they will now be called Stars Festivals and competitions....not a bad thing at all as I believe they will really put on some epic shows. Problem is about the pay out structure but we will wait and see to see if they stick to that.

Anyways what is everyone elses opinions?

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Posted 7 years ago
Might be a subject for pros but I'll spew a few thoughts out.

I don't think poker is dying, maybe we just need to adapt to different environments instead of expecting them to adapt to us as usual. Admittedly the big guns are saying heads up nl is over but that's high stakes with a very small pool. OP would know more of that one perhaps.

Tournaments yes, they offer that 'living the dream' element the gambler in us just finds so hard to resist; a bit like the lottery, we know it's a slim chance but do it anyway. Maybe the mixed games will make a breakthrough, they don't seem to get a fraction the publicity nlhe gets so far?

Think rakeback will go the way of the Dodo on a lot of sites and be replaced with a bag of peanuts, tournament tickets and stuff I really could do with less of.

I'm wondering if the watchdog types will still be motivated to be spokes-persons or watchdogs for the punters if poker goes down the casual route, they may not feel like they represent the poker community anymore. It would be a loss I think.

Not even sure I worded the last bit understandably.

Posted 7 years ago
The future of poker is... OPL baby!!
Posted 7 years ago
Gambling will never die, so the future looks bright Wink

Short video from our Head Coach Gordon on the topic:

Posted 7 years ago
Sick video which echo's a few of my views.

I just think as a population we need to stop complaining, crack on with the game and just put more effort into it.
Posted 7 years ago
I know, it's naughty generalization but - If Brits stopped whingeing they'd have nothing to talk say! Cheeky
Posted 7 years ago
I don't think poker will die but I think the amount of people who play professionally online will dwindle as rake cuts eats some of their profits.

Before you could be okay at poker and make a decent salary, now you need to be really good and actually study, review hands etc to keep on crushing. Not much has changed for the really good players, but for the average pros who didn't want to learn they are going to die a slow death.