Bitcoin Breaks 1000$ Mark

Posted 7 years ago


Do you think this will affect poker in any way? I'm honestly not very well-versed when it comes to the economy and the financial markets but we have plenty of people on the forums interested in those subjects and I'm very interested to hear what you think about bitcoin and virtual currencies in general.

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Posted 7 years ago
Getting money out of China is really hard, you cannot take more than $50,000 out per year, so the rich business men are buying Bitcoin then buying or trading it to USD etc.

Not sure if it will affect poker too much, maybe the few sites that use Bitcoin but it's still far from being mainstream, which is what I think is needed for it to pump more recs into poker.
Posted 7 years ago
I had no idea about the China angle. It makes a lot of sense. Regardless of that, do you think virtual currency has the chance to ever become mainstream (or even default) option?
Posted 7 years ago
China seem to run the bitcoin game, from what I understand.

They are also the reason why sending BTC is sometimes quite a slow process, taking hours to clear! Time
Posted 7 years ago
China seem to run the bitcoin game, from what I understand.

They are also the reason why sending BTC is sometimes quite a slow process, taking hours to clear! Time