Posted 8 years ago
I think Martin wrote himself into a corner with this constant stream of setups (resulting in the idea that he needs one more book than he initially planned to finish the story) and since the show followed the books so closely D&D had to do something to undo that. 9-10 hour TV drama formula doesn't allow for much wiggle room so all things considered I'd say the show is dealing amazingly well within those parameters. Here's the thing, Game of Thrones is 5 seasons of build-up with no pay-off. If you have 23-30 episodes of television left to give you just can't go for any more build-up. There's no more space for the Varys-Viper/Bronn-Tyrion quiet-witty-dialogue-moment in season 6 (to my great despair). There isn't even enough space to set-up Heartsbane in a more elaborate way than by mentioning it at a dinner. The show will suffer some pacing problems just like the book will (and already had, for thousands of pages too...)

Sure we're grading it on a curve because you have to grade it on a curve. I don't think there's a way around it.
Posted 8 years ago
I thought it was overall another good episode. Liked that we saw a bit more of Sam and his background, I love his character. Where do I know his dad from? That actor.... I can't put my finger on it!

Yeah the bit at the end did seem a bit forced as you said but it was still a great scene Smile And with the episode title being "Blood of My Blood" it had to be the seal of Daenerys and the Dothraki at the end.

So whats the deal with Benjen? He is half white walker? Assume that will be significant somehow.

I think this season has been the best yet personally. Cannot believe we are 6 episodes in already!
Posted 8 years ago
Good old Google.... The actor is James Faulkner and he played a similarly nasty character in Downton Abbey, good actor.
Posted 8 years ago
So whats the deal with Benjen?

In the books, a character called Coldhands (mysterious fella with dead black hands and raspy voice who always hides his face and never eats of sleeps) got introduced a while back. He helped Sam and Gilly get back to The Wall and then he helped Bran, Meera, Jojen + Hodor get to the Bloodraven/children of the forest. We knew that he works for Bloodraven (Three-Eyed Raven/Crow or whatever you wanna call the character played on the show by Max von Sydow), but not much else. Everyone assumed he was somehow reanimated Benjen Stark but then some notes from Martin surfaced suggesting that he might not be.

As you can see there's none of that uncertainty in the show and while building up this mysterious figure might have some value I don't think tv show has the time for that (even less for introducing both Coldhands and Benjen Stark as separate characters if that's the case in the books).
Posted 8 years ago
Too many story lines that are going at a snail's pace in this season, they need to start killing off a few more people because every storyline gets about 5 minutes airtime before they are onto the next one.

Thought the last episode was rather week, didn't help that there was lack of tits too Sad
Posted 8 years ago
Interesting opinion @Harvie. I feel like the show is going as fast as it possibly can. We still have many storylines, that is true (and if the fans of the books had it their way we would have waaaaaaaaay more), but it's a function of how the books were written. I think TV show is doing a tremendous job cleaning that up.

As for the 'lack of tits', there are plenty of other places you can get those Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Posted 8 years ago
Calling all fans calling all fans. If you want to watch a great Game of Thrones TV show analysis with some book knowledge sprinkled it check this guy out:

He also has a bunch of videos about outrageous book theories that are a joy to watch if you're a fan.
Posted 8 years ago
I only watched the first couple minutes, it's mostly recap with an occasional joke, but then I clicked on the last few secs and I had to think of @Harvie when the guy said, "While there weren't as many murders or tits or dicks this episode...."

He also said Bran's visions was like "bingewatching the last few seasons of Thrones on weirwood-net" which is a good line.
Posted 8 years ago
I always watch the ContolAltX reviews as well as Emergency Awesome and Because Geek.

If you want some Aussie humour, check out the Ozzy Man Reviews.

Posted 8 years ago
MattVIP: Calling all fans calling all fans. If you want to watch a great Game of Thrones TV show analysis with some book knowledge sprinkled it check this guy out:

He also has a bunch of videos about outrageous book theories that are a joy to watch if you're a fan.

Not a fan of this guys monotone voice if I am honest, sounds a bit robotic! But watching this it reminds me just how complex the stories are in GOT. What an imagination GRRM has, its incredible really!
Posted 8 years ago
MinerBoy23: I always watch the ContolAltX reviews as well as Emergency Awesome and Because Geek.

If you want some Aussie humour, check out the Ozzy Man Reviews.

Ahah, I enjoyed that Laugh
Posted 8 years ago
MinerBoy23: I always watch the ContolAltX reviews as well as Emergency Awesome and Because Geek.

If you want some Aussie humour, check out the Ozzy Man Reviews.

Ahah, I enjoyed that :D

Yeah he does one every week. Pretty good stuff. Does heaps of other vids too.
Posted 8 years ago
This might be a bit childish but I'm a huge fan of the Aussie phrase 'ya dickhead' and I was glad to find it in this video. Also, I saw Bronn in the preview of the next GoT episode so I'm a very happy man.
Posted 8 years ago
Yes I saw some images from next episode and also Bronn was in one of those. About time he turned up Nodding
Posted 8 years ago
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Posted 8 years ago
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Posted 8 years ago
I was so happy after the first minute of the show. Heart The Hound and I was really hoping that he would be back! I read somewhere that in the books he fights in a trial by combat with The Mountain? As Cersei spoke of one in the last episode, I am assuming that will happen? It had better! Laugh

That little girl was brilliant, what a character! Also I was quite enjoying that storyline with the Hound and that guy, can't believe he is gone already! Sad lol
Posted 8 years ago

Posted 7 years ago
This video is. The. Greatest.

Prepare yourself.