People Who Use Their Mobile Phones In Public Settings (/Rant)

Posted 8 years ago

Is it just me or is everyone glued to their phones these days?

I was talking to a friend the other night, deep in chat then he stops, pulls out his phone and starts messaging and checking his Facebook for the next 15 minutes.

I see this happening more and more. If I go to the gym and play badminton, during every break my friends are on their phone checking useless stuff. I go to a bar, a few people will look at their phone several times to look at useless stuff.

Nobody wants to talk anymore!

I told my mate the other day that why did he bother to ask me to meetup for drinks if he's going to spend half the time on his phone looking at Facebook.

I think someone needs to write a document on mobile social etiquette in public places.

How are you dealing with this, or are you the type of person who's glued to their phone?


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Posted 8 years ago
I don't care what they do as long as they don't talk.
I'd like to find a jammer to carry with me so as soon as they started talking out loud in a public scenario, I would just unobstrusively reach into a pocket and hit the switch.
Posted 8 years ago
Yeh sad but true @Harvie and it is seriously tilting when your speaking to someone and they zone out texting on their phones. I now just stop talking until they are done and sometimes just give up.

I do it myself probably to often constantly checking stuff. Just the way things have become. I keep joking to people saying i want a week away with no phone or laptop. I reckon it must be the most relaxing thing ever although when you come back and have to then catch up on a weeks worth of work, social and everything else stuff it would then just become a nightmare.
Posted 8 years ago
lol @Kashclicks bet you are a barrel of laughs on a night out Laugh

@Harvie I do see what you are saying yes, seems people everywhere you go are stuck to their phones and that is a shame really for society as a whole! I find myself using my phone more and more these days, mainly just for texts/Whatsapp or whatever (Not FB), however if I am out, I don't even get my phone out, it will pretty much stay in my bag. Some days I forget to check it at all and will go to bed and realise I have like 8 messages or something.

I think its OK in a friends situation if you see the person a lot, but I suppose if you don't see each other much it might be a bit rude. Only time I would is if I am bored.... Maybe you are just boring @Harvie ? WinkGiggle
Posted 8 years ago
Well I just can't stand hearing only one end of a conversation, I would prefer they text all they want, but just stfu.
I'm just talking about random people, if it's people I'm with, it's ok, to a point.
But this isn't really what Harvie was asking is it ? lol
Posted 8 years ago
@Jon-PokerVIP when I leave my room I make it a rule NEVER to use my phone, I won't put the 3g on unless I'm looking for directions or I'm meeting up with someone and I need to use WhatsApp to talk to them. But once I'm with friends, I'll never check my phone. I used too and I consume too much time.

@Keri_PokerVIP haha I thought this too, but if you've been out with me I'm anything but. I think it's becoming an addiction for a lot of people. The things they check too are useless stuff like Facebook, Twitter etc.

@Kashclicks I'm saying it's rude to use your phone when you're with friends.
Posted 8 years ago
I would never leave my phone or ignore it due to my family......i couldn't imagine ignoring calls and finding out it was an emergency. So its a bit of a double edged sword for me.

You seen the dinner games where people put all their phones in the middle of the table and the first to reach for it picks up the bill?
Posted 8 years ago*
I could write a looooong post on this subject but fortunately, someone summed up my thoughts in a way that's more entertaining that anything I could write:

Posted 8 years ago
You seen the dinner games where people put all their phones in the middle of the table and the first to reach for it picks up the bill?

That is awesome!
Posted 8 years ago
I was talking to a friend the other night, deep in chat then he stops, pulls out his phone and starts messaging and checking his Facebook for the next 15 minutes.

I told my mate the other day that why did he bother to ask me to meetup for drinks if he's going to spend half the time on his phone looking at Facebook.

I like your post-flop line here, I'd bet/fold in this spot as well. Rolling on the floor laughing

It's not just you. My lady and I enforce the "no phones at the table" rule whenever we eat together, either home or out to dinner. This isn't to say that I don't use my phone when I'm by myself waiting for something, but I can say that I'm not obsessed with it.

Cell phone are unfortunately rampant today. Together with social media sites, the notions of "always being connected" or "online friends" has ironically caused a shift in the opposite direction where people socially interact face to face a lot less than they used to. The upcoming generations are really going to have low social skills.

I remember not too long ago when cell phones were new. I remember the days when a car phone was this giant phone with huge antenna that we carried in the car. It had numbers on the back of the handle and was only used for emergencies. My first cell phone was during my sophomore year of college and that was a tiny prepaid flip phone that I barely used and stored under my bed and was turned on only when I needed it. Other than that I had a calling card for any phone calls. The moral of this story is that I survived Rolling on the floor laughing
Posted 8 years ago
@MattVIP Lewis CK sure is a fucking god : )
Posted 8 years ago
@Cookie Monster yeah I use the same rule, only exception is if someone calls you or you want to take a photo of something nearby (food, event etc). I'm going to start doing it with my male friends, whoever touches their phone first buys the round. The thing is I know they won't agree to do it because they are addicted to their devices.

Guess I need new friends Doh!