Posted 9 years ago
Hahahahah I understand so little of this!

If you were to get a new PC which would be ideal for poker what is the best site to look on? What kind of price range is sensible? Act as if I am a total newb (coz I am here)
Posted 9 years ago
Oh I see. No worries! Let's take it step by step then:) Please answer the questions included in the first post of this topic. Let me know what's your budget, what will you use your PC for and where do you live (and/or in which shop you'll buy your parts, if you don't know I'll choose one for you based on your location) etc.
Posted 9 years ago
Budget is probs going to max out around £700- ideally it would be £500 but it isn't a huge thing Smile

I live in Hertfordshire UK

I'd primarily use it for poker, so HEM/PT4, poker sites (some times multiple sites at a time), YouTube, web searfing, other poker related programmes like crev, flopzilla etc.

I may start sports trading also which would include some other software but I can't imagine it will require anything more than poker :')
Posted 9 years ago
Oh and shop I really don't mind Smile
Posted 9 years ago
Roger that. Do you play video games (it's going to be hard to build machine that's capable of playing new games in this budget, but we can probably make it work)? Can you build PC from parts on your own? Do you have a friend who can do that for you? If not I'll try to find UK shop that will do that for you.
Posted 9 years ago
Not reallyyyy if I do play games its mostly Xbox tbh Smile I personally probably can't but my dad can easy or mates who are techy can probs do it also Smile
Posted 9 years ago - how about this and buying a keyboard and mouse and connect my laptop to it?
Posted 9 years ago
Since you have Xbox there's no point in putting a dedicated graphics card in the build. Sure you could build something more powerful than console in this budget but you'd have to sacrifice a bit when it comes to processing power. The integrated graphics card that's built into your processor is not enough for modern games, but it's enough for poker. There's also no monitor/windows in this build because there was no monitor/windows in the last build you linked in this thread:


Just click they 'buy' button near every part and it will link you to If you had a different shop in mind and they don't have one of the parts just let me know and we'll find something else. If you need something cheaper or maybe you want monitor + windows without changing the budget let me know too and we will adjust the build.
Posted 9 years ago
Hey @robstars7. Sorry, I was away for the weekend but I'm happy to help now. First of all do you know the model of your laptop? If so post it here, if not let me know and we'll think of something else.
Posted 9 years ago
The monitor I bought was the Samsung one I sent you the link for but I can't get the stables on it. The laptop I have is a amusing with a grey front with a black strip, awful description I know
Posted 9 years ago
Well yeah that doesn't help at all but we can manage:) The monitor you linked has VGA and HDMI ports you can use to plug it into your laptop. Please check the sides and the back of your laptop and tell me if you see one of those ports. If you don't know how they look like this is: VGA and this is: HDMI
Posted 9 years ago
yes I was able to link it fine but the big monitor made no difference to the tables I can fit onto it. I could fit 4 tables on my laptop with no overlapping and 6 with slightly over lapping. Why is the monitor not allowing me to fit more tables onto it?
Posted 9 years ago
The amount of tables you can fit on your screen depends on the screen resolution and not on how big the screen is. So if your laptop was already capable of displaying 1920x1080 resolution the monitor you bought won't be that big of an upgrade.
Posted 9 years ago
robstars7: yes I was able to link it fine but the big monitor made no difference to the tables I can fit onto it. I could fit 4 tables on my laptop with no overlapping and 6 with slightly over lapping. Why is the monitor not allowing me to fit more tables onto it?

Isn't it to do with the resolution that the monitors support. Mine, for example, is 1920 x 1080. So you do 1920x1080 and then you divide it by the area of the screen that a table takes. I play on Sky and for me a table takes up 468x377. (1920x1080)/(468*377) = 2073600/176436 = 11.75 so 11 tables without overlap. This makes sense, as I normally 12 table with minimal overlap. Bare in mind that your windows taskbar thing on the bottom takes up a bit of your screen as well, so no tables can go over that. Hope that made sense
Posted 9 years ago
i dont think it was capable of doing that . when i look at screen resolution it says 1366x 768 on my laptop and says that is reccomended. Yes it makes sense marto but im not sure how big the tables are that i play on, i play on ipoker so whatever size those tables are
Posted 9 years ago
The above value I included was for tables that were the lowest possible size, so we can fit more on the screen. iPoker's tables are almost identical in size I believe when minimised so using your resolution and the size of tables it's almost 6, so 6 tables with minor overlap as you said before.

If you have a monitor connected to your laptop do you not have the option to "extend display" so you use both monitors at the same time, allowing you to get 6 tables on your laptop screen and more on the second? the thing I dont like about this option is that you have to connect your laptop to a screen and then disconnect it if you need to use it elsewhere, kind of losing the whole "mobility advantage" that laptops naturally come with

on windows 7 the option is available when you right click your desktop, go to display and advanced I think - off the top of my head.

Posted 9 years ago
well iv tried all the options of changing but i think the only solution would be to get another monitor which i dont really want to do and then have it over 2 monitors. Basically all that having the monitor allows u to do it to have what ur doing on your laptop on a bigger screen
Posted 9 years ago
I went to pc world yesterday and the man seemed abit confused my it all. He said id prob be better off getting two monitors if the tables cant go any smaller. Getting a more powerful laptop still wont allow them all to fit on the screen .
Posted 9 years ago
Ok so i need some new speakers for my computer. Currently i am using some old Sony ones which have been good but are old and want to go replace now.

I watch films, tv and poker stuff and only ever use the computer when i am sat at it (dont want it in bed etc). So i doubt they need to be surround sound or anything like that.

So please help and link meeeeeeeeee
Posted 9 years ago

I wonder if it's a good idea to switch to Windows 10. I'm using 8.1 pro, and now it offers free upgrade. I've heard only good about the new version, but all the trouble re-installing HM2 etc.. Should I go for it?
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