The Variance of Life

Posted 8 years ago

Been running cold this month, will prob go down as my first losing month for cash games since April. Did bink an MTT early in the new year so still in the black for the month. On Wed I binked it again, and after subtracting some more losses at cash plus the buy-in, I was up 800 on the day.

Today I go to the dentist and I need a crown. Insurance coverage is spotty, so I'll be out of pocket for...800.



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Posted 8 years ago*
I really hope I don't need a crown anytime soon @CycleVancouver because I'm on a beach in Thailand where there are no dentists.

In fact I'm on a private resort with my own beach, now you've really got me worried...

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Consider yourself lucky! Laugh

Posted 8 years ago
Sand, sun, and salt water cures 98% of known problems. Wink
Posted 8 years ago
Haha so true man! Life works like this way to often but at least your lucky enough to have that income and be able to cover such things! That's the main thing.

I went to the dentist for the first time in 3 years and need 3 small fillings. She told me it would cost £32...I said "what each" thinking that sounded very cheap to sit in a chair for probs an hour and have 3 fillings put in. She said yes total...its a private dental surgery so was pretty confused. Anyways i say is that the only type or basically why and what do i get.

She told me it was the cheapest...i then say i want them to be the teeth colour ones and not silver....£240 bill now!

I don't get the maths on either of these. Seems way to low and then way to different of a number. So odd right?
Posted 8 years ago
It's funny and kinda cool how poker players tend to use terms like variance to describe reality. I think that playing poker is great for the sole reason that it has the potential to provide us with additional tools to understand the world around us. Also, "The Variance of Life" sounds much more profound than "I had a bad month" Cheeky In any case, good luck @CycleVancouver !
Posted 8 years ago
@MattVIP I agree completely with the sentiment of how cool it has become to use the lens of poker to see the rest of my life. I really only became serious about poker a year ago, and now I think about some pretty serious life decisions (mostly around health care) using the language of EV, BRM, and such.

There is a quote that has floated around here before, but I have it taped to my bathroom mirror: "If you want to succeed, double your failure rate." very helpful for reminding me to play more MTTs and occasionally sattys.

Dental update: I went for a 2nd opinion/cheaper clinic. I still need a crown, but I'm also getting a cracked filling replaced, and the total cost will still be the same. It's like an overlay in an MTT!