Do You Look After Yourself?

Posted 8 years ago

Weird one here as I feel around 5 years ago poker players went to complete shit. Everyone was lazy, getting fat, not shaving and just looking like complete bums!

However around 3 years ago I saw a massive rise in people dressing smarter, losing tons of weight and being quite image conscious at the tables.

So how do you rate your appearance and how much thought goes into it?

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Posted 8 years ago
For as long as I can remember I've always looked after my body. If i don't exercise or be active for more than a week I feel crappy, my work routine (self-employed) goes to crap and so does every other productive thing I do.

As for dressing, I used to buy the latest stuff in my early 20s because I didn't have anything better to spend my money on. Now I own 2 pairs of nice chinos, 2 nice shirts, 5 t-shirts and a pair of trainers.

Less is more in the dress sense, also I'm in Thailand, so your money goes further than the way you look if you catch my drift Jonny Boy.
Posted 8 years ago
Since going to university, around 3 & 1/2 yrs ago I really let myself go.
The lure of alcohol/fast food/feeding myself/laziness I really went downhill.
I used to play GAA maybe 4/5 times a week, had trials for my county team and went training myself/lifting weights. Then moving in with students I was doing absolutely zero and drinking 2/3/4 nights a week.
This also really affected self-esteem as I put on weight and cared less about appearance, even when I went on nights out.

I think the thing that actually shook me up was the fact I'm graduating from uni in June, single and I had no idea what I was doing. I don't want to continue with my degree at the minute and would rather go travelling/see the world before I settle down and get a full time job/married.
I broke up with my girlfriend of three years and kind of became a recluse and just took time to get over that which was tough! Now this year, I've set myself life goals really. These are to get myself back into shape, do well at poker, and make sure I take every opportunity available! I know I can crush at poker, that's why I set myself that goal of £2k by june so I will have half a roll for when I graduate.
I even have old managers from my GAA club coming up to me in the street and asking me to come back and play! So I knew come 2016 I really wanted to get back to my old ways and get crushing in poker! I know I'm good enough, I just need to put in the effort!

I've started buying good food, cooking more, eating breakfast. No longer having snacks/fast food and drinking way way less. It's amazing how good your body/mind feels when you do this! Definitely caring more about myself now and want to continue that!
Posted 8 years ago*
I have never understood peoples obsessions with looking good from the outside. It is indicative of just how superficial we as people have come as time has progressed. Everything we see in mass media has some kind of emphasis on looking fantastic. Like when did what someone chooses to wear, or how they look, from the outside become the number one defining factor for there value and worth as a human being. It is just a backwards world we exist in unfortunately. I think there a few things to blame for this. Commercialism being the main one. The fashion industry is a multibillion industry after all. This is just perpetuated when you have high profile celebrity cunts endorsing there products in marketing campaigns for companies in the industry.

On topic, i don't give a shit for clothes if you cant already tell. I don't see the point of forking out lots of money for a top name brands when quintessentially you are just paying for the name. Yeah, sometimes when i am going out i will get spicy and wear smart casual but this is not very often. This is not to say i don't have any brand name products at all. I do like my shoes, especially the ones of the Nike variety.
Posted 8 years ago
trollord59: I have never understood peoples obsessions with looking good from the outside. It is indicative of just how superficial we as people have come as time has progressed. Everything we see in mass media has some kind of emphasis on looking fantastic. Like when did what someone chooses to wear, or how they look, from the outside become the number one defining factor for there value and worth as a human being. It is just a backwards world we exist in unfortunately. I think there a few things to blame for this. Commercialism being the main one. The fashion industry is a multibillion industry after all. This is just perpetuated when you have high profile celebrity cunts endorsing there products in marketing campaigns for companies in the industry.

On topic, i don't give a shit for clothes if you cant already tell. I don't see the point of forking out lots of money for a top name brands when quintessentially you are just paying for the name. Yeah, sometimes when i am going out i will get spicy and wear smart casual but this is not very often. This is not to say i don't have any brand name products at all. I do like my shoes, especially the ones of the Nike variety.

Isn't this what fat ugly people with no fashion sense always say?
Posted 8 years ago*
Haha.. Go gargle on rogaine you putz Smile I am ugly well at least in my perception, and i don't care actually. And fashion sense i take it your one of those sheep who conforms to what society tells you to do and has absolutely no backbone or confidence. What a sad little man you are.
Posted 8 years ago
trollord59: Haha.. Go gargle on rogaine you putz Smile I am ugly and i don't care actually. And fashion sense i take it your one of those sheep who conforms to what society tells you to do and has absolutely no backbone what a sad little man you are.

Haha Im on it. Without ever seeing you I can tell your one of them goonie creature lookalikes.Its ok though pal,it's a gene thing,you just have to play the hand your dealt.

Quite the opposite, I'm a trend setter like you in your Nike "shoes" - way ahead of everyone in fashion terms considering most just thought they did trainers,proves your way ahead in terms of fashion, Little Chav.
Posted 8 years ago*
Yeah you cant control your genes that is for sure i was born ugly and i am proud. As i said, your a sheep who conforms what the mass media tells you to do in terms of fashion and are obsessed with your looks. Its individuals like you who make me laugh. However, as for me, you got it wrong though there man.. I look worse then a goon Smile You also mention your a trend setter. I assume you also believe your better then Jesus Christ, that you are infallible, and that cars are apart of an organized religion to. Oh dear, we have another one of those on how hands here.
Posted 8 years ago
trollord59: Yeah you cant control your genes that is for sure i was born ugly and i am proud. You got it wrong though there man.. I look worse then a goon Smile You also mention your a trend setter. I assume you also believe your better then Jesus Christ, that you are infallible, and that cars are apart of an organized religion to. Oh dear..

Excellent,embrace it pal.Your princess Fiona will be out there somewhere one day.

Now your just being silly again aren't you. I'm a sheep,I'm a cult leader,I'm a putz,...... anything else kid? I do like your ramblings on here.

Posted 8 years ago*
You have to much time on your hands don't you. In your own perception, you are all of those things because the world is just a fantasy to you . The world is a candy land which revolves around you and you are Jesus Christ within it Smile However, i will defend your right to believe as you please. Enjoy your futile existence my friend. Also, try and find some solace out of life if you can i know its difficult but there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
Posted 8 years ago*
Better things to do.....behave! You live alone,your sat watching tv waiting for Fiona.Youll get up shortly and go to your empty fridge,you'll be checking social media to be nosey and see what your computer friends re doing.Lets be honest now've nothingbetterto do.You won't be able to resist replying.

Worlds a fantasy to me? I love your ramblings I do,they make no sense or contain substance but I love em nonetheless.

You been to the DRs yet for your depression pills?
Posted 8 years ago*
My friends.. These are the types of putz we have who exist in the gene pool. The disillusioned and delusional oh dear oh me. Also, the same types who live on welfare, are addicted to drugs, and sit at home who have never contributed a good or service which society needs in there entire life.
Posted 8 years ago*
trollord59: My friends.. These are the types of putz we have who exist in the gene pool. The disillusioned and delusional oh dear oh me.

3 1/2 minutes Kid.Cant do it can you? Much better things to do with your time I see! At least try a bit longer son,wait till your face isn't as red at least.

I don't know who your talking to when you say "these are the types of people"....looking for someone to comment so you can feel part of a community 😀 Let's be honest,99.9% of folk on here can't stand the site of you.Welfare? 😀 Lol dillusional kid,sat at work now earning more than you do in a week. You forget the internet a powerful thing,some of us know who you are.

Prozac,I hear according to Google is good.First step is admitting it kid.Once you do that and stop fixating on JC then ŷoull be better for it.
Posted 8 years ago*
Yawns. Delusional is the word of the day it seems Smile Its quiet a sophisticated fantasy world you have created yourself i will give you 10 points for that one. Its obvious you lack confidence and your insecure if you feel you need to prove yourself to others. Especially when you do so through words other then actions and through a online medium with complete strangers. I could Dox you you easily and post your everything about you online for the world to see.. But i would rather not waste my time because i feel sorry for you.
Posted 8 years ago
2 minutes .

I'll keep you up all night son at this rate. How's your mum?
Posted 8 years ago*
I only have 10 minutes.. So if there is anymore wisdom you would like to share with the masses i would like to hear it. Remember, you are Jesus Christ after all i think we already established that.
Posted 8 years ago
I'm not the one with all the wisdom kid,that's your dept.

Just hate to see people's life spiral,when pills will put you on the road to recovery. Big step but the only way for a creature like you.

You go back to bed son,get up at lunch.Ill pay for your food and rent don't worry through taxes.Just get yourself better.

Regards to your mum when u see her next,presume it will be before me.

Posted 8 years ago*
We have a necrophiliac in the house.. Countdown 3,2,1 LOL. Have fun with her dead corpse buddy. See ya.
Posted 8 years ago
Sadder than I first thought.

Lost cause aren't you son. Thought you were busy?. Your mum was right about you in what she told me.
Posted 8 years ago
You can speak to the dead now? A bizarre array of talents you possess there. Intercourse with dead bodies, speaking to the dead. You should be proud though. Society needs people like you Laugh