Posted 8 years ago
No one mentioned sex kid,apart from you.People that don't get any with a real person often fixate on sex unfortunately,
Posted 8 years ago*
"Regards to your mum when u see her next,presume it will be before me.


Enough said. Your own words to. Of course you will try to to reiterate the inference you were trying to make in your last ditch effort to restore some pride but that is understandable. I can read you like a book.
Posted 8 years ago
Oh my,for an apparent educated man,your confused.

Countdown was for you replying cos you can't bide.Moron.No need to reiterate my inference,for anyone with a brain cell it's clear from the conversation and prior posts what is said and meant. Clearly not quite as clever as you make out to everyone I see. 😀 Cretin.

Posted 8 years ago*
I was right. A pathetic attempt to restore his pride after being dubbed in his own words as a necrophiliac.
Posted 8 years ago
Now I unfortunately do have to go do some work as markets need updating,so as fun as this has been trying to get a depressed and unhappy creature to admit he needs help,unfortunately it didn't work although it did show how simple your are,I do have to go.

So you take care son,Be patient,a real girl will arrive eventually.Replacement flesh lights are cheap enough though I guess. Get to the DRs though sharpish before it's too late.

Posted 8 years ago
trollord59: I was right. A pathetic attempt to restore his pride.

Go read back sweetly just like everyone can,there prior messages started with a time to your Down syndrome depressant,
Posted 8 years ago*
A future stand up comedian for the death here, you are a true superstar! . Feels the need to prove himself to others to. A real man, who lacks confidence, lacks security, and lacks back bone. I praise your efforts to try and restore your pride after being displayed as a necrophiliac. I cant blame a man for trying though. It is a horrible label to have on ones self. I did not have to misconstrue nothing either this was his own words! Anyone with even a single digit IQ can realize this. What you have seen today is a insecure man who has done everything he can do prove his own worth in words, but not actions. Anyone with the slightest degree of intelligence will also realize this. But as the saying goes "To some, common sense is not so common" And this is especially applicable in this feeble little mans case Laugh
Posted 8 years ago
Oh my Trollord.

Who you talking to,? The members on here that actually despise you? Come on son,wake up and smell the coffee.

For an educated man,you don't make a lot of sense.

Be seein ya