Posted 7 years ago

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Posted 7 years ago*
This photo is borderline pornographic, I suggest adding it to your Tinder profile Laugh
Posted 7 years ago
Harvie: #Silk

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Classic @Harvie purchase!
Posted 7 years ago
MattVIP: This photo is borderline pornographic, I suggest adding it to your Tinder profile :D

I wonder if he has done the "do you want to see my elephant impression" move with them yet! know pockets out know.
Posted 7 years ago
If I said that Jon the girls would be disappointed when they actually saw it.

Girlfriend broke my french press when cleaning it so go a new one. £18! They are so expensive here but gotta get dat coffee:

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Posted 7 years ago
I think I'll have to retire my french press. I have no idea what happened, but I can't handle caffeine anymore. A poorly timed cup of java or even green tea can absolutely destroy my routine. I guess I'm getting old.
Posted 7 years ago
MattVIP: I think I'll have to retire my french press. I have no idea what happened, but I can't handle caffeine anymore. A poorly timed cup of java or even green tea can absolutely destroy my routine. I guess I'm getting old.

What happens?.
Posted 7 years ago
Do you have any liver or kidney issues Matt? I have a friend who cannot touch alcohol because his liver (or some organ) cannot process it so well, like one shot gets him pretty wasted, maybe the same with coffee or you're just drinking more mg of caffine than you think?
Posted 7 years ago
I don't think it's that serious. The thing is that even though I know a lot about habits and habit creation (I was able to lose a bunch of weight, I'm constantly striving to optimize my productivity etc. etc.) I always had an extremely hard time with my sleep patterns. Even the smallest thing could throw me off of an established routine including a poorly timed caffeinated drink. Previously, I didn't much care about that, but recently I got really serious about getting my biological clock in order and there's no room for coffee in the process. Perhaps I'm throwing out the baby with the bath water and I could still include a small cup of coffee in my morning routine but stimulants always had a really strong effect on me and I think that it amplified with age.
Posted 7 years ago
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Posted 7 years ago*
@MilfGrinder Whatever you do, remember to take lots of pictures to share with PokerVIP folks. Have loads of fun sir!
Posted 7 years ago
MilfGrinder: Attached Image

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OMG this could be epic
Posted 7 years ago
imo AKvsQQ if I get back alive, without std and without my first gay experience (ladyboys)
Posted 7 years ago
@MilfGrinder Solid odds.

Here's what I bought:
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Posted 7 years ago
MattVIP: @MilfGrinder Solid odds.

Here's what I bought:
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Oh nice! How you enjoying boxing?
Posted 7 years ago
So far so good. Extremely fun stuff and it looks like my good-for-nothing legs should be able to handle it (that was my main concern and the reason I kept delaying signing up for a martial arts class even though I always wanted to). I'm really looking forward to the next training and that's a good sign.
Posted 7 years ago
Nice so are you doing a course, class or 1-1 type situation? You find this is better than meditating btw?
Posted 7 years ago
It's a class in a gym that offers kickboxing, MMA, box and even karate lessons. Funny that you'd compare boxing and meditation, they might seem different at a glance but meditation is essentially about increasing the amount of time you're able to focus your attention on the present moment and that's something that's also very important in martial arts of any kind. Perhaps even more so given how the lack of focus during a boxing class can result in a 100kg dude scraping the skin off your forehead with his jab - or worse. I wouldn't say boxing is better than meditation, but I find that it complements it really well. Very often we're able to get away with being lost in thought in our everyday lives because there are no severe, immediate consequences like a left hook to the liver to punish us for that. And that's really unfortunate given how mindlessly wasting our time on scrolling through facebook or self-inflicting ourselves with some unnecessary mental suffering, can be even more detrimental in the long run than the aforementioned liver shot.

Long story short, boxing is great both for the mind and the body. I'm super happy that I finally tried it.
Posted 7 years ago
Another trip to Manila, next month:

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Saw a flight to Japan from Manila for £100, looks tempting.
Posted 7 years ago*
Proper headphones. Was tired of using apple default earplugs all the time. Boss QuiteComfort 35.

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