Posted 8 years ago
BarraBod: Just finished watching Making A Murderer!! One of the best documentaries I've ever watched. I love all the twists, and his lawyers, I thought did a brilliant job. There was something very suspicious about all those cops, but maybe they edited it to make it look that way! I would highly recommend it to anyone!

I'm currently watching! Incredible!

I read that Netflix have approached Manitowoc County Law Enforcement with the idea of making a documentary series with THEIR side of the story and how Avery is guilty! Apparently, there was some evidence left out. Hopefully more to come! Smile
Posted 8 years ago
I also jumped on the Making A Murderer bandwagon and enjoyed it thoroughly. This lead me to look around for similar series and I found one that I might have enjoyed even more.

The Jinx - The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst

Posted 8 years ago
Another documentary about police corruption that was recommended to me was - The Central Park Five. I've not watched it yet but will give it a go and I'll let you guys know!
Posted 8 years ago
BarraBod: Another documentary about police corruption that was recommended to me was - The Central Park Five. I've not watched it yet but will give it a go and I'll let you guys know!

And "West Of Memphis"! INCREDIBLE
Posted 8 years ago
Exstinctum: I also jumped on the Making A Murderer bandwagon and enjoyed it thoroughly. This lead me to look around for similar series and I found one that I might have enjoyed even more.

The Jinx - The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst

Any cliffs on this? will watch it later looks sick
Posted 8 years ago
The Jinx is next on my list, but I am all-in for the upcoming show Billions. Here's the trailer.
Posted 8 years ago
CycleVancouver: The Jinx is next on my list, but I am all-in for the upcoming show Billions. Here's the trailer.

My eye caught this one too. Just watched the first episode and it looks promising. A bit of white collar crime/drama show is what was missing on my list.
Posted 8 years ago
Family Guy !!

after sick run the family guy make me laugh, after a good run the family guy make me cry Laugh

'Lucky theres a Family Guy.
Lucky theres a man who positively can do
all the things that make us-
Laugh and cry! '

Posted 8 years ago
Probably many are already aware of this but on Jan 24th The X-Files miniseries will air! I used to be a big fan back in the day and crossing my fingers hoping it won't be a huge disappointment. Here's the trailer:

Posted 8 years ago
Looking forward to new episode of suits this month
I dont get everything in the show but harvey spectre is a boss
Posted 8 years ago
herpes4life: Looking forward to new episode of suits this month
I dont get everything in the show but harvey spectre is a boss

"Suits" is the only procedural drama type show I can stand. Probably because they have super smart writers and they know that some type of overarching theme is necessary even if you want to go with 'new story every week' approach. I love the characters and I also can't wait for new episodes.

I'm watching way less TV shows this season than I used to (I dropped a bunch of lower quality stuff from my routine). I really dug Jessica Jones and I'm intrigued by Making a Murderer.
Posted 8 years ago
Nobody mentioned the new sherlock yet? Episode one was sickkkkkkkk
Posted 8 years ago
Aaaaand 'Suits' is back. Great episode and I can't wait for more. Again, I can't stand all the other procedural drama type shows (3-4 seasons into shows like The Mentalist or White Colar I basically felt like showrunners are trying to capitalize on the first good season and cheat my out of my time) but Suits is so well-paced and brilliantly written. I can't recommend it enough.

I'm also thinking about finally watching The Wire if I manage to find some time next month.
Posted 8 years ago
MattVIP: Aaaaand 'Suits' is back. Great episode and I can't wait for more. Again, I can't stand all the other procedural drama type shows (3-4 seasons into shows like The Mentalist or White Colar I basically felt like showrunners are trying to capitalize on the first good season and cheat my out of my time) but Suits is so well-paced and brilliantly written. I can't recommend it enough.

I'm also thinking about finally watching The Wire if I manage to find some time next month.

I luuuuv Suits. And Donna. I love her too. I haven't watched Season 5 yet.
Posted 8 years ago
@jongordon84 You're in for a treat. BTW I just realized that I have no idea which season I liked the most because the show is so incredibly consistent which is another reason everyone that enjoys TV shows should be watching it. It's not the best show ever made (It's definitely not in my top 5, maybe even not top 10), but it's quality and it proves to all the other procedural drama/monster of the week type shows that you can successfully combine that formula with traditional drama and make something that's both enjoyable and worthwhile.
Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: Ok so i completed the Making A murderer season in a few days and yep it was fantastic.

You can actually watch Episode 1 on YouTube



- Man gets jailed for rape
- Conspiracy
- Cleared 18 years later
- Sues Sheriff Department

Don't want to spoil but what a life this guy has had and not in a good way. Very screwed up family, screwed up system and still the truth is unknown. Just a must watch.

The 8 best crime documentaries to scratch that Making A Murderer itch
Posted 8 years ago
BTW the 4th and final season of the most underrated TV show on the television right now called Banshee is coming back in April so if you haven't seen it yet it might be a great time to correct that mistake. It's obviously not for everyone, but it's this great, strange, and fascinating hybrid of action and drama full of sex and violence and interesting, strong characters with a solid amount of kitsch sprinkled on top. It's a good choice if you want some fun and solid if you want something more. Here's the season one trailer:

Posted 8 years ago
MattVIP: BTW the 4th and final season of the most underrated TV show on the television right now called Banshee is coming back in April so if you haven't seen it yet it might be a great time to correct that mistake. It's obviously not for everyone, but it's this great, strange, and fascinating hybrid of action and drama full of sex and violence and interesting, strong characters with a solid amount of kitsch sprinkled on top. It's a good choice if you want some fun and solid if you want something more. Here's the season one trailer:

Wow, that looks right up my street! Looks like a cross between Justified and Sons of Anarchy, only crazier! I've just bought season 1 on Google Play, it's next on my watch list. Smile
Posted 8 years ago*
The only prerequisite to watching this show is the ability to suspend your disbelief which some folks aren't willing to do (which is fair btw). If you're not one of those folks you'll enjoy the show thoroughly. Banshee is heavily stylized (at least for popular culture standards) and I guess that's the main reason it failed to gather a huge fan base, but I absolutely love what the show creators did with it.

Oh and i haven't seen SoA, but from what I know about it your comparison might be fairly close to the truth.
Posted 8 years ago
This is one of the best shows I've seen in a while. French cop action/drama. Only 8 episodes per season so has a nice high intensity throughout. I've watched the first two seasons (on Netflix), can't wait to watch season 3, season 4 should be out this year too. Highly recommend it.