Posted 7 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: All I saw was that insane graph...were there even any words in this blog? DAMN SON

hello jon.. i think that the most important is the circunstances... but well.. ofc.. take ur time for read... greetz
Posted 7 years ago
My receptionist here in Costa Rica is from Venezuela and has told me how bad it is there. Its a shame really and I hope all the people there can come together somehow and make it better. She actually left Venezuela and came here and applied for refugee status and Costa Rica took her in and gave her residency here. However, she is not allowed to go back for 3 years or something. She got permission to work here and makes a better than minimum wage salary, not sure how many eggs it is.

Sounds like you are in a good place now though and part of a stable. I think, if that is the case, then you will do well. Stables can do wonders for your learning curve. Really sick graph and I wish you the best and hope things go well for you and for your country as well.