Posted 8 years ago
Can't say I have tried either of them however this is not down to the being what they are just never been in a good enough place. I really want to try a traditional French garlic snail dish. Frogs I could leave tbf I have never heard anyone really rave about them.

Those snails look pretty different to French ones - what they like?
Posted 8 years ago
And another dish from the nearby vegan joint that I like:

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Posted 8 years ago
@MattVIP I'm really loving the dishes you're posting, but you gotta tell me what it is haha! I'm guessing hummus but I'm not sure what the other thing is. Sure as hell looks tasty though.
Posted 8 years ago
@Harvie Those are dumplings made of wheat called spelt and filled with lentils. Oh and the sauce on the side is made of sunflower believe it or not (I have no idea how they make it). And yes it is delicious Smile
Posted 8 years ago
That looks amazing @MattVIP, would like to try that.
Posted 8 years ago*
@CrazyKeri me too, when is the come dine with me PokerVIP edition @MattVIP ? Laugh
Posted 8 years ago
Well, next time you're visiting the south part of Poland let me know and we can certainly make it work @Harvie@CrazyKeriCheeky
Posted 8 years ago
Ahaha, that would be some episode of come dine with me. Game of poker after dinner anyone? Laugh
Posted 8 years ago
I am sooooooooo god damn hungry

Any good suggestions for what i can go eat?
Posted 8 years ago
How about a pizza and mango smoothie Jon?

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Posted 8 years ago
This is guaranteed to make everyone vomit...

Jumping Shrimp (aka shrimp that are alive when you eat them):

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Ant lava eggs (if you look closely you can also see dead red ants:

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Posted 8 years ago*
The insects will most likely be the food of the future and I find the idea of eating them less unappealing than the idea of eating a dead flesh to be honest. They are rich in zinc, iron and calcium and what's the most important we use almost 40% of the land on our planet and 70% of fresh water supply for agricultural purposes. You need 22000 liters of water to produce 1kg of beef and to produce 1kg of insect you need... 1 liter. Given the fact that pound for pound insect have very similar protein content as meet it doesn't make much sense to not farm them instead of meet from efficiency/sustainability perspective. Thanks for paving the way for that transition @HarvieCheeky
Posted 8 years ago
This week, I've been mostly eating Humble Pie. Blush
Posted 8 years ago
After feeling terribly ill for the last week or so and it ending up in me throwing up everywhere yesterday Its deffs time for me to take care of myself more when it comes to what im eating and drinking. I dont think my illness is down to food but its deffs not helping me. I need more energy, feel better and to just stop shovelling junk food down my throat.
Posted 8 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: After feeling terribly ill for the last week or so and it ending up in me throwing up everywhere yesterday Its deffs time for me to take care of myself more when it comes to what im eating and drinking. I dont think my illness is down to food but its deffs not helping me. I need more energy, feel better and to just stop shovelling junk food down my throat.

I think eating crap affects a lot of the aspects in you life including your poker game. I think eating healthier can improve a lot of your life not just the benefits for your body Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Grilled salted fish

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Posted 8 years ago
Looks medioca that one mainly due to the side beans and half a lettuce aint going it for me!
Posted 8 years ago
MattVIP: the most important we use almost 40% of the land on our planet and 70% of fresh water supply for agricultural purposes. You need 22000 liters of water to produce 1kg of beef

This is actually why I became a vegetarian many years ago. I'm not too hyped on animal rights, as much as I am about climate change and land use.

One of my go-to dinners is roasted veggies. It's a recipe for veggie kebabs but I broil them in the oven. I make a huge bunch and marinate it, and it can sit in the fridge for a few days and I just cook up what I need. 40 min of prep work on Monday and I'll get 3-4 meals out of it. (I tried to u/l photos but they're too big.)

Posted 8 years ago
@CycleVancouver the only time I can eat roasted veggies is when they are aside a big ole steak. Can we still be friends? Blush
Posted 8 years ago
@CycleVancouver use for images to big buddy then just paste the forum code into the post!