Posted 8 years ago
Damn, I really need to finish season two of Better Call Saul. The episodes I've already seen were superb. It's funny that the early marketing for the show suggested that it might be a comedy because the show is clearly a Breaking Bad 2.0 (or 0.1 depending on one's perspective).
Posted 7 years ago
Recently finished Vikings season 2. Great show and great season. I've been told it only gets worse from now on but I'll still watch the rest.

I decided to start watching House of Cards. A few episodes in and I'm hooked. Kevin Spacey is so good in it.

Posted 7 years ago
I stopped watching Vikings after season 3, but without a good reason. The show seems really good and I might get back to it when I find some time. House of Cards is a must watch though and the Netflix formula (releasing all the episodes at once) makes it easy to stay on top of the show.

I'm half-way through the season one of The Girlfriend Experience. This one definitely deserves TV-MA rating since sex and nudity are featured prominently in every episode, but the show is also about very important themes relevant in the modern world. The show is also beautifully shot and I highly recommend it.

Posted 7 years ago

Completed this in like 5 days and it was pretty amazing. Dodgy investor and his business under attack from the law. #dope
Posted 7 years ago

I've read a few of the Philip K. Dick's books, but I haven't had the chance to read "The Man in the High Castle". I'm happy to report that the first episodes of the show are excellent and so far I can highly recommend it. The premise is fascinating (Nazi forces winning the World War II after dropping a nuke on DC), and the story is well realized.
Posted 7 years ago
Premiere tomorrow of Suits season 6,excited
Posted 7 years ago
@herpes4life Thanks for reminding me sir! I really love this show.
Posted 7 years ago*
Not sure if this one has been mentioned yet but watched episode one of Outcast last night, from the creators of The Walking Dead. Very good first episode, interesting storyline and left me wanting to know what happens next, will see how the rest of the series pans out!

Posted 7 years ago

Really loving this show. The intro music is pretty awesome as well.
Posted 7 years ago
All look pretty interesting! I have just completed Scorpion season 2 and it was epic just like the 1st series. So many reasons to watch it but this is probably the main one

Attached Image
Posted 7 years ago
Gus Fring:

Really loving this show. The intro music is pretty awesome as well.

Yeah I've started watching this. Pretty strange so far, but loving it!
Posted 7 years ago

A TV Show about the ugly side of reality TV. It's almost as fascinating as it is... disgusting. I recommend watching the first episode and if you're not hooked by the end of it just forget about it.
Posted 7 years ago
About 5 years late but HOUSE. OMG what an incredible tv show and so happy I am just starting it! 8 seasons to get through which should keep me busy for some time.
Posted 7 years ago
I remember House being super fun, but I dropped it after season 2 for some reason. Let me know if it's worth revisiting @Jon-PokerVIP.

The only reality TV show I enjoy and the fact that David William's is one of the contestants this season makes it a bit more relevant for poker enthusiasts.
Posted 7 years ago
Finished Mr Robot season 1 this week. Really enjoyed it, has some great plot twists. I'll wait til all of season 2 is out before binge watching.

Posted 7 years ago
Someone inspired me to rewatch the pilot of The Newsroom. Not planning on rewatching the rest, and the show had many problems, but it was overall a solid watch. If you don't get curious after watching the very first scene just forget about it:

Posted 7 years ago

A TV Show about the ugly side of reality TV. It's almost as fascinating as it is... disgusting. I recommend watching the first episode and if you're not hooked by the end of it just forget about it.

I needed a night off of poker, so I grabbed a 6 pack and started this last night. I've never watched a single episode of Bachelor-style shows, but this spoof on them is awesome! (So is "Black Betty" blackberry saison from a local microbrewery, but that's for another thread.)
Posted 7 years ago
Glad you liked it! I've never seen a minute of Bachelor-style reality TV either and this show is absolutely disgusting. I love it!
Posted 7 years ago
Line of the show: "I'm not a grief counselor, for god's sake. I'm English."
Posted 7 years ago
Yeah, great stuff. Normally I would never watch a show like this one, but it was recommended to me by a friend and I'm really glad it was. Solid few hours of fun plus a few interesting things to think about (given the setting).