Posted 9 years ago
Goals are always great as they motivate you. But 1 stone before the end of the month, that seems pretty tough no? 6.3kg in less than 2 weeks ridic hard without starving yourself.

3kg may be more realistic and achievable.
Posted 9 years ago
Harvie: Goals are always great as they motivate you. But 1 stone before the end of the month, that seems pretty tough no? 6.3kg in less than 2 weeks ridic hard without starving yourself.

3kg may be more realistic and achievable.

Yeh i see where your coming from. I won't kill myself to get it and i will eat well and train hard but it would be at least nice to put a dent in a stone......that a better way of putting it?
Posted 9 years ago
Ok so last night i decided to do a usual session but to see how much strength i have gained over these 2 weeks and went for all new personal bests. Completely loved it and did a ton of work over a near 3 hour session. I did the usual reps at lower weights then just kept pushing 1 rep out until i hit my max.

So some of you will have seen these vids before but the new max reps are now added. Take a look at the improvement.

Chest Press 85KG now 105 KG

Shoulder Press 55KG now 75KG

Bicep curls:
Right arm 85KG now 95KG
Left arm 65KG now 85KG

Seated leg press 195KG (maxed machine out) same but knocked out 20 reps

Fly 105KG now 125KG

Chest incline 75KG now 85KG

Then i added on a couple of other machines to just see what i hit and here are the results:

Leg Extension 145KG (maxed machine out)

Pull Down 105KG

So pretty buzzing about all of this and can't wait to get back to the gym tonight just to put in a regular everyday session!
Posted 9 years ago
Think i have overworked myself this past 48 hours........i feel like death ahah. Body is in pieces but no actual pain just fatigue.

Started my day off with some wheetabix and water. Now time to get a salt bath and crush some work!
Posted 9 years ago
Your right! I am going to weight myself tomorrow and want to lose 1 stone by the end of the month. I think its better to aim to lose body fat % but i dont have a way to measure it properly on my own tbh and the trainer im with right now doesn't do that. So just gonna have a really simple weight goal. What you think? [/quote]

Ok if your trainer is not able to measure your body fat then I would say weight loss would be the next best thing. How much are you weighing in at the moment? I will give you some advice on safe weight loss goals. Also diet is going to be key, cutting out all the extra sugar in your diet is the best way to do it. Also a little cardio before breakfast and a good routine will get it done!
Posted 9 years ago
Not a clue as every god damn scales i use tell me a different amount. Going to buy my own, leave in the middle of my kitchen floor and never move it and just go off that.
Posted 9 years ago
Hey Jon how's your weight loss challenge going?
Posted 9 years ago
As you can tell from the lack of updates it has all gone to shit. I am eating badly, drinking everyday and have not been to the gym for a week.

Really at a cross roads with this atm.

Left or right? Who knows....
Posted 9 years ago
Shit mate. No good. It's never too late to steady the ship though buddy.
Posted 9 years ago
I think at this point it's becoming pretty clear that you either have to "go ham or go home". The problem with switching from unhealthy lifestyle to healthy one is that even though both of those offer positive feedback/reward loops it's so much easier to order a pizza then it is to curl some steal for 3 sets of 10. Especially because you reinforced the first habit for months/years. Also, motivation is volatile and highly unreliable. You didn't go to school every day for so many years because you watched inspirational videos on youtube. You did that because that was required of you. You went to school because of the discipline, not motivation. It's the same for everyone that's working 9 to 5 since so many of us aren't fortunate enough to do what we truly love for a living. Even though motivational videos with Arnold are cool and the dude was pretty strong he's not stronger than the sweet smell of carbs in the form of a large pizza pie or a glass of beer.

According to the popular belief/bro science, you need 21 days (30 for good measure) to build a new habit. Meta-analysis of studies on this subject suggests that 60-90 days is closer to the truth. I'm not sure how old are you but 3 months is probably less than 1% of your life and this small time period has the potential of making 100% of a difference. If you think that lifestyle change it's necessary I'd try to do whatever it takes (going underground and throwing my phone in the river included if you think that's necessary:)) to train and eat clean for 3 months. Forget motivation, try discipline. In fact, I'm currently in the progress of making this sort of change since I had my own fair share or struggles with the unhealthy lifestyle. I hope you'll be successful no matter what you decide.
Posted 9 years ago
Bad times. Still easy decision with the cross roads, one direction points towards diabetes, heart problems, reduced cognitive process, reduced life expectancy. The other direction leads to health well-being, confidence, stamina, an improved immune system, mental balance, improved memory and cognitive processor, muscle and bone strength, reduction in injury and more
Posted 9 years ago
MattVIP has nailed it its a purely mental struggle, you need to get into a positive 'habit' and maintain that for a prolonged period so that it becomes the standard. You are in control of your body not the other way around!
Posted 9 years ago
Hey Jon, hope you are OK! Slip ups are always going to happen, just get yourself back on the straight and narrow! I feel your pain on the food/alcohol thing. I have been on a gluten free diet and trying to cut back on the alcohol for a couple of months now, it really is not easy to avoid these things after a long time of bad habits. Don't beat yourself up though, maybe enjoy it for another day, go all out, then get yourself back in the right frame of mind. Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Yeah Matt is posting some truth ITT.
Posted 8 years ago
Man I know personally from myself how hard it is - I've gone through about 6-7 cycles of disciplined gym / diet periods in my life, most of them lasting at least 3 months...And then falling into bad habits.

Matt has some very good points. Doing what you were doing is a complete lifestyle change from top to bottom, and it's actually very hard work putting in that grind as opposed to just being a 'new habit'...So you've got to treat it like discipline as Matt says probably, not just as something you have motivated yourself to do, but something you have to do.

The worst thing about putting in months of hard effort at the gym - If you let it go for a couple months, you slip sooo far. It's demoralising.
Posted 8 years ago
C'mon man. It's depressing me that you're not updating this.

I want to hear that you're getting there. Sure, it's fucking hard at times - but that's what's gunna make it awesome when you get there.

Hang tough brother, c'mon.
Posted 8 years ago
haha i will do a big update soon. But trust me its more depressing for me that i am not updating it but tbh right now there is nothing good to say and i don't want to be reminded of it right now. Cheers
Posted 8 years ago
MinerBoy is saying what we are all feeling Jon. Get back on the horse mate!
Posted 8 years ago
Watch Rocky IV. You'll be back at the gym tomorrow.
Posted 8 years ago*
Ok i have been quiet for to long now and i apologize for that. The truth is when failing you don't want to speak about it. You hide away and don't face up to your problems. I was doing so well and for some reason i stopped and there are some reasons for this.

1. I didn't seem to get far enough.

I hear all the time about how someone has lost 5 stone this year or how i should have lost more weight by now etc etc.

Do you think i need to hear this? Why can't everyone just push you forwards and say well done and keep at it......or ffs come and have a gym session with me? Obv this is pointed at friends more than anything as no one seems to understand the struggle. I don't car what Bob your mates, sisters work colleague lost doing a shake diet. I jsut care about me right now.

2. Confused.

Jesus christ the amount of stuff i am told on a daily basis for the professionals blows my god damn mind. One trainer says i am doing it perfectly, the next says i need to change it, the next agrees but the next then changes it up again. WHAT THE FUCK IS REAL. They are all qualified, look good but jesus how is this info i am getting so different?

3. Laziness

No doubt i am lazy sometimes and that's out of habit.

4. Addictions

No doubt i am somewhat addicted or should i say reliant on alcohol and takeaways. Now some of you may gasp at that as to me that sounds 1000000x more serious than what it is. I don't drink 24/7 or get pissed everyday but i deffs seem to always have to have a drink at the end of everyday even if it is one and the same goes for junk food. I dont lie in bed with a secret stash of chocolates but when 1am rolls round and im hungry the pizza is ordered. I just seem to always end up doing it and have no will power at all.

5. Self conscious.

This might be the main one as it is something everyone goes through who doesn't like the way they look or worries about what other people think. You know when i am in a gym in my ill fitting clothes, sweating through them and basically dying i feel people look at me in disgust. you know i see a girl dripping in sweat and she looks good, i see a toned guy sweating and it seems girls dig him mroe but when i am covered from head to toe in sweat and possibly smelling i feel like i am a monster in the room sometimes. I even started getting changed a couple of times per session even if there was no real visible signs of me sweating. I just felt shit and worried.

This is something people may say is fucking dumb as being there is working towards looking and feeling better. YES YOUR RIGHT BUT YOU DON'T GET IT COS YOU PROBS LOOK FINE AND ARE HAPPY WITH YOURSELF ATM. Sorry about that but it is so true. My mate is just like "no one is looking at you and who cares even if they are". Well i do......

So whats the plan now?

I really have no idea. I keep thinking i need to go away for 3 months with a trainer and live with them for me to ever make a change but that cant happen for multiple reasons.

So yeh i dunno what more to say.