Posted 9 years ago*
Posted 9 years ago
Ray Donovan/ Masters of sex / Satisfaction/ Fargo / Forever/ Chicago P.D./ Homeland / The good wife , very good one s
Posted 9 years ago
+1 for Suits Laugh
Posted 9 years ago
MukPleaseVIP: Ray Donovan/ Masters of sex / Satisfaction/ Fargo / Forever/ Chicago P.D./ Homeland / The good wife , very good one s

Masters of sex.......give me cliffs on this? Seen some adverts and it looks good + heard some amazing things about it.
Posted 9 years ago
Looking forward to the new Gotham series which starts next week I think. Also a Daredevil series being planned, hope its better than the shite Affleck film that was made a few years ago.
Posted 9 years ago
Just finished the first series of Spartacus! It was awesome! Only thing I would say was there were a few TOO many tits! The OTT violence was pretty cool imo, was like a 13 hour long version of 300 but the fact that the absence of boobs in any scene was a rarity made it seem a little tacky. Apart from that though it was amazing, cant wait to get stuck in to series 2 Smile
Posted 9 years ago
Never heard of Masters Of Sex, just googled it.... Period drama with sex, I'm in! Cheeky

Yes Gotham looks good Sunny, will be watching that one for sure....

LOL Eatscake, well that is the first time I have ever heard a man complain about too many boobs! Smile
Posted 9 years ago
Started watching The Vampire Diaries yesterday. It is a total American teen thing, which normally I hate but I have to say I am quite enjoying it 4 episodes in....

The similarities to Twilight are ridiculous but as far as I know The Vampire Diaries were actually written first, which makes Twilight a complete copycat imo.

Another one which probably none of you guys will have any interest in.... but the new series of Downton Abbey starts tonight! GiggleIn love
Posted 9 years ago
Suits is getting gooooooood Heart
Posted 9 years ago
CrazyKeri: Suits is getting gooooooood (h)

Where you up to? I have seen the first 2 series i think. Dont tell me im missing out on a new series somewhere?!?!
Posted 9 years ago
CrazyKeri: Suits is getting gooooooood (h)

Where you up to? I have seen the first 2 series i think. Dont tell me im missing out on a new series somewhere?!?!

Still on series one, only like episode 5 or something, I can't remember exactly but I'm loving it Smile
Posted 9 years ago
Rewatching with my girlfriend, it used to be 1 per night. Now it's more like 3 because you just can't stop watching it.
Posted 9 years ago
Gonna throw this one out there: Prison Break!

My mate got me addicted to this back in the day. Think i have seen the entire thing 2-3 times now. Trying to keep away from it but this is like crack to a crack head.....i will one day go back to it!

Attached Image
Posted 9 years ago
Jon-PokerVIP: Gonna throw this one out there: Prison Break!

My mate got me addicted to this back in the day. Think i have seen the entire thing 2-3 times now. Trying to keep away from it but this is like crack to a crack head.....i will one day go back to it!

Attached Image

I started watching this and never got past episode 1! I thought the acting was pretty bad and some parts were lol cheesy. Although I know a few people who love it and say it gets amazing I need to be sold on episode 1 and it just didn't do it for me. After all if the hype I was bitterly disappointed!

So who is going to be watching new series of The Walking Dead in October? Laugh
Posted 9 years ago*
The Strain

Have this one on series link but haven't watched it yet, the trailer looks good, love a good horror series Smile

Anyone watch it? What do you think?
Posted 9 years ago
yeah its very good keri im loving it.
if u like a good horror story watch helix, not full on horror but good.
1 season so far second next year
Posted 9 years ago
Watching The Shield at the moment. It wasnt great at first but i noticed it had 7 seasons so it has to be dope as tv shows which are shit generally dont get kept around for this long.

Its a solid American police prog with dirty cops, gay cops, racist cops and affairs. Tons of different things going on it!

Posted 9 years ago
Prison break Season 1 was like the best ever. The rest were kind of meh but still good fun. I am currently watching Spartacus which is amazing. There's blood and boobs in every episode, must watch.
Posted 9 years ago
@terryb - Oh good, glad you gave it a thumbs up as I'm looking forward to watching it. Just watched the trailer for Helix and yes that looks totally up my street, might give it a shot!

@Jon - I hate cop dramas usually but looking at the trailer it looks like it might be fun Smile

@Harvie - Yeah in Spartacus they just randomly get their boobs out all the time. Especially in the arena fight scenes from women in the crowd, thats the way to cheer! Great thing about Spartacus is there is plenty of eye candy for the women too which is unusual. These programs are normally pretty one sided! Cheeky
Posted 9 years ago
Sat down to watch The Strain last night and realised that they only have episode 3 on On Demand Sad Hopefully they will put episodes 1 and 2 at some point, seems a bit stupid if they don't...