The Good Recipes Thread

Posted 9 years agoEdited 9 years ago

Inspired by all of the lovely food pics flying around here I thought it might be cool to share some step by step recipes for the food we make Pizza

I will kick it off with a recipe for a chocolate mud cake I posted to my journey a while back. This was a recipe that I found online and changed a few ingredients to suit my taste and I have to say it came out amazng! If you have a birthday coming up and are going to bake a cake, give this one a try it will not disappoint!

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~250g butter (Or margarine)
~200g (7oz) your favourite milk chocolate
~375ml (1½ cups) strong coffee (ie 375ml water with coffee dissolved - about 1 tbsp if you use instant coffee granules)
~450g (16oz) caster sugar
~175g (6oz) plain flour
~1 tsp baking powder
~3 tbsp cocoa powder
~2 free-range eggs
~2 tsp vanilla extract


~284ml Double cream
~50g Milk chocolate



~Pre-heat the oven to 180C and grease and line a 25cm tin.
~In a small saucepan, melt the butter, chocolate and coffee over low heat, stirring, until the chocolate has dissolved.
~Add the sugar to the pot and stir it in until it has dissolved.
~Pour the mixture into a heat-proof bowl.
~Sift the flour, cocoa and baking powder over the top and whisk them into the liquid then whisk in the eggs then the vanilla.
~Once everything is combined, pour the batter into the cake tin.
~Bake the cake for 1 hour or until a cake tester or knife inserted in the middle comes out clean. Set aside to cool.


~Gently melt the chocolate for the filling, add in cream and whisk until stiff and fluffy, put in the fridge to set.
~Once left to cool for a couple of hours AT LEAST ( don't try and take it out of the tin before ) remove cake from tin and lining. My cake had dipped a bit in the middle after cooling so I just flipped it over so the top was a perfect flat circle. Cut in half and cover with the filling, place the two pieces back together.
~Melt a whole bar of chocolate, think I used a 120g bar! And spread over the top of the cake. I didn't have the ingredients to do much with the top of this cake but you could sprinkle the top with chocloate drops, fudge chunks or something, what ever you fancy! Keep refrigerated and enjoy! Smile

Last Post 7 years ago by






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Posted 9 years ago
Might give that a crack, my birthdays approaching. If you guys have lemon balm growing in your garden I got a cookie recipe for that ill rummage up!
Posted 9 years ago
I am not sure if anyone noticed but i put up a massive recipe here + pics which i then deleted. The reason for this was pretty hilarious:

So i made a Quorn bolognese and followed a simple Italian recipe. It involved a lot of everything and 2+ hours of simmering the sauce down. Let me tell you it tasted incredible and i couldnt get enough of it.

Sadly it turns out i am allergic to quorn and i had a dreadful evening spewing everywhere and i just never wanted to see the stuff again or be reminded of it so i tilt deleted the post lol.

Now i can talk about it and could probs be in the same room as it but my lordddddd i was ill.

Nice post tho Keri - wonder how many people on this forum ever cook......will be fun to see
Posted 9 years ago
Yes I did wonder, saw a snippet of your post that included spag... Was expecting to see a lovely recipe then saw the post had been removed Cheeky

Oh how awful that you went to all that trouble to cook yourself a lovely meal only to be punished for the rest of the night! Hug

@Cepeleon.... Can't say I have Lemon Balm growing in my garden but this sounds interesting! Cheeky
Posted 9 years ago*
My recipe thread:

1) Find a girl.

Hehe only joking (but not really), will take some pics later and post them them.
Posted 9 years ago
I make some nice couscous; super easy if you have no time (or can't be arsed).

1. follow the instructions on the back of the pack, but instead of plain boiling water I usually add;

half a stock cube
small amount of schwartz medium curry powder (the only common one I like)
some peanut butter
dash of vinegar/lemon juice
ghost chillie powder (optional)
dash of Encona chillie sauce (optional) & you will need less vinegar
possibly some salt (but the stock cube is sometimes enough).

I mix this in a small amount of the boiling water first.

Obv you could add stuff like mint/corriander/lemon/ or anything else & eat with zombie hands or whatever.

Its trial & error getting your mix right (then its a 3 minute job) - but its so easy because you just mix it all up & come back when its ready.

I recently tried Quinoa as all the TV chefs were talking about it at some time - and its fucking horrible & a pain in the ass to make.

Only tried it because it supposedly had more protein than couscous, but it doesn't if I remember correctly. I think couscous has 9% protein which is really quite decent (i think - only glanced at the packet).
Posted 9 years ago
Harvie: My recipe thread:

1) Find a girl.

Hehe only joking (but not really), will take some pics later and post them them.

Evil grin
Posted 9 years ago
tpot: I make some nice couscous; super easy if you have no time (or can't be arsed).

1. follow the instructions on the back of the pack, but instead of plain boiling water I usually add;

half a stock cube
small amount of schwartz medium curry powder (the only common one I like)
some peanut butter
dash of vinegar/lemon juice
ghost chillie powder (optional)
dash of Encona chillie sauce (optional) & you will need less vinegar
possibly some salt (but the stock cube is sometimes enough).

I mix this in a small amount of the boiling water first.

Obv you could add stuff like mint/corriander/lemon/ or anything else & eat with zombie hands or whatever.

Its trial & error getting your mix right (then its a 3 minute job) - but its so easy because you just mix it all up & come back when its ready.

I recently tried Quinoa as all the TV chefs were talking about it at some time - and its fucking horrible & a pain in the ass to make.

Only tried it because it supposedly had more protein than couscous, but it doesn't if I remember correctly. I think couscous has 9% protein which is really quite decent (i think - only glanced at the packet).

Sounds good. I love couscous, whenever I am in Morrisons I always get the ready made stuff from the salad bar but I have never actually cooked it myself!

Might give this a go, I would take out the chilli sauce/powder and replace it with something else though Smile
Posted 9 years ago
Harvie: My recipe thread:

1) Find a girl.

Hehe only joking (but not really), will take some pics later and post them them.

LOL love this!

Kinda true i guess. They say the way to a mans heart is through is stomach and i kinda have to agree on this one.
Posted 9 years ago
Ok better late then never:


4 ounces cup of softened butter
8 ounces of sugar
2 large eggs
1 ounce fresh chopped lemon balm leaf (no stalks!)
1/2 teaspoon lemon oil
1/2 teaspoon vanilla oil or essence
12 ounces of white flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt

Mix it all together in that order in a bowl. Then either shape into cookies on a baking tray or greased paper.
Bake at 180 degrees or Gas Mark 4 for 10 minutes.
Leave to cool for a further 5 minutes.

If your not sure what Lemon Balm is, its a herb, part of the mint family. Its small with triangular leaves and it grows very aggressively. You can rub the leaves with your fingers and get an instantly lemony smell.

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Posted 9 years ago
Cepeleon: Ok better late then never:


4 ounces cup of softened butter
8 ounces of sugar
2 large eggs
1 ounce fresh chopped lemon balm leaf (no stalks!)
1/2 teaspoon lemon oil
1/2 teaspoon vanilla oil or essence
12 ounces of white flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt

Mix it all together in that order in a bowl. Then either shape into cookies on a baking tray or greased paper.
Bake at 180 degrees or Gas Mark 4 for 10 minutes.
Leave to cool for a further 5 minutes.

If your not sure what Lemon Balm is, its a herb, part of the mint family. Its small with triangular leaves and it grows very aggressively. You can rub the leaves with your fingers and get an instantly lemony smell.

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Yummy, sounds good. I may give this one a try sometime.... Smile
Posted 9 years ago
When i next make a roast I will take some pics and post a recipe for you. I'm told I make the best roast potatoes in the world... well according to my brothers anyway Cheeky
Posted 9 years ago
CrazyKeri: Inspired by all of the lovely food pics flying around here I thought it might be cool to share some step by step recipes for the food we make Pizza

I will kick it off with a recipe for a chocolate mud cake I posted to my journey a while back. This was a recipe that I found online and changed a few ingredients to suit my taste and I have to say it came out amazng! If you have a birthday coming up and are going to bake a cake, give this one a try it will not disappoint!

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~250g butter (Or margarine)
~200g (7oz) your favourite milk chocolate
~375ml (1½ cups) strong coffee (ie 375ml water with coffee dissolved - about 1 tbsp if you use instant coffee granules)
~450g (16oz) caster sugar
~175g (6oz) plain flour
~1 tsp baking powder
~3 tbsp cocoa powder
~2 free-range eggs
~2 tsp vanilla extract


~284ml Double cream
~50g Milk chocolate



~Pre-heat the oven to 180C and grease and line a 25cm tin.
~In a small saucepan, melt the butter, chocolate and coffee over low heat, stirring, until the chocolate has dissolved.
~Add the sugar to the pot and stir it in until it has dissolved.
~Pour the mixture into a heat-proof bowl.
~Sift the flour, cocoa and baking powder over the top and whisk them into the liquid then whisk in the eggs then the vanilla.
~Once everything is combined, pour the batter into the cake tin.
~Bake the cake for 1 hour or until a cake tester or knife inserted in the middle comes out clean. Set aside to cool.


~Gently melt the chocolate for the filling, add in cream and whisk until stiff and fluffy, put in the fridge to set.
~Once left to cool for a couple of hours AT LEAST ( don't try and take it out of the tin before ) remove cake from tin and lining. My cake had dipped a bit in the middle after cooling so I just flipped it over so the top was a perfect flat circle. Cut in half and cover with the filling, place the two pieces back together.
~Melt a whole bar of chocolate, think I used a 120g bar! And spread over the top of the cake. I didn't have the ingredients to do much with the top of this cake but you could sprinkle the top with chocloate drops, fudge chunks or something, what ever you fancy! Keep refrigerated and enjoy! :)

PJ day with the kids today while the other half is at work. Its his birthday so we are going to make him this bad boy!

Got some help from my cheeky little monkey. Will post a pic of the finished product when its done! Laugh

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Posted 9 years ago
Found this recipe, looks amazing! Clap

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1 cup of Maltesers plus extra to decorate (grab a 280g pack)
4 Mars Bars (4 x 53g bars)
1/2 cup Condensed Milk
1 pack of Chocolate Ripple Biscuits (250g) / Most people seem to think Maryland Chocolate Chip Cookies are the nearest alternative so I'd put them tho we used double choc digestives and they were scrummy!
2 blocks of Cadbury Milk Chocolate
100g unsalted butter
1 teaspoon vegetable oil

*Line the base and sides of a slice tin with baking paper.
*Finely crush the Chocolate Ripple Biscuits. You can use a food processor or the end of a rolling pin if you are like me!
*Roughly crush 1 cup of Maltesers.
*Dice the Mars Bars into small pieces.
*In a small saucepan over a low heat, melt the butter and condensed milk, stirring until combined.
*Add the roughly crushed Maltesers and Mars Bars to the crushed biscuits and stir through.
*Then add the melted butter and condensed milk and stir until combined – it will be very sticky!
*Pour the mixture into the slice tin and flatten with the back of a metal spoon. Pop it in the fridge for approximately an hour until it has completely cooled.
*Melt both of the blocks of chocolate and add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil to the melted mixture, making sure you stir it in.
*Pour the melted chocolate over the cooled slice and then decorate with remaining Maltesers.
*Put the slice back into the fridge and cut into pieces before it has completely set. —
Posted 8 years ago
After being on a gluten free diet for over 2 months I almost went into meltdown after seeing this! Might of also drooled a little bit My lips are sealed

Posted 8 years ago*
@CrazyKeri Why gluten free diet? Are you gluten intolerant?

I highly recommend this recipe even if you eat meat:

If you can't find ingredients on the website here's what I usually use:
1kg of mushrooms
0,5 onion (you can skip it)
2-4 cloves of garlic (depends on your preferences)
1 cup of oats
1 cup of breadcrumbs
2-3 eggs (they bind the mixture together so if you're vegan use egg substitute)
0,5 cup of grated parmesan cheese (skip it if you're vegan and/or you don't like cheese)
salt/peper/cayenne pepper/oregano

Posted 8 years ago
Thanks for the post. My birthday is also coming soon. Your tips would help me to make a tasty cake.
Posted 8 years ago
Think this is the best recipe I've used:

1) Buy a car
2) Go KFC

Though I did try cooking once, made a pasta... forgot to make any sauce... then remembered I don't like pasta... it was minging
Posted 8 years ago
Thanks for the recipe Matt, looks yummy, will have to give that a try! Yes I am intolerant. I have not had this confirmed as such but I spent a long time feeling quite ill and noticed a pattern of it being after I'd eaten, I'd start to feel very tired, napping whenever I could and a bad tummy amongst other things, so I decided to cut out gluten and see how that worked for me. I do feel much much better after 3 months, although I do still feel ill sometimes, things are much better. I feel like my intolerance's don't stop at gluten though, I have now cut out cheese as I have the same feeling after eating it. I have read that cheese can mimic gluten when you go gluten free, your body can mistake it for gluten, so maybe that is what it is. Anyway, feeling maybe 50% better since I cut it out, but it can take some time, even years to feel 100% again, if that is indeed the only thing that has been causing my symptoms of course, but I will persist Smile

So if anyone has any more gluten free recipes out there, would love to hear them!

lol Killjoy, how can you not like cooking!?? And Wilson, good to hear that you may use one of the cake recipes. Let us know how you get on if you do Smile

Posted 8 years ago
Made these earlier and I have to share with you all, they were so easy and so so tasty!