Brexit And The Euro

Posted 7 years ago

Surprised this hasn't been talked about more in here.

I've not been in the country long enough to even know what's happening but everyday on my Facebook someone is either for or against it.

Is anybody voting next week on the referendum?


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Posted 7 years ago
I'm also very keen on listening to some opinions on this topic even though I can't vote myself and I'm not sure what would be my vote if my country offered me the same question.
Posted 7 years ago
Very dark day. How has this not been discussed?
The level campaign said themselves they have no idea what will happen to the economy in the future.
Absolute disaster for Northern Ireland. Young people all voted to remain, the older generation voted to leave.
This will be absolutely awful for the UK
Posted 7 years ago
I'm not an expert in economics or politics (and even if I were those areas are way too complex for any one person to know how the Brexit will affect Britain in the coming years), but I suspect that the changes won't be that severe, at least as far the economy is concerned (especially in the long run). What is more interesting is that now you have around 50% (possibly more since almost 1/3 of the country decided not to vote) of alienated people which goes to show that democracy has some serious issues in the modern world and it's probably due for an upgrade.
Posted 7 years ago
After the initial shock wears off it will be OK. Worse than if we'd stayed in but fine.

£ will fall, inflation will rise, interest rates will likely have to rise to fight that. Housing market will fall.

Immigration won't change at all.

Old people and the poor voted on believing lies and nostalgia. My view is we should let the inflation rate rise so they feel the living standard drop most keenly. They voted for it, so they should pay for it.

I'm more upset that the likely outcome will be the possible re-unification of Ireland and Scotland leaving. If you thought the Scottish independence drive was divisive wait till you see how Norn Iron goes.

Posted 7 years ago
United Ireland is still miles off IMO. As a citizen myself the DUP will go nuts if there's any mention and the want for it just isn't there.
Even the Republic of Ireland doesn't want a unification as they cannot support us.
Scotland will definitely be unified first
Posted 7 years ago*
I'm more upset that the likely outcome will be the possible re-unification of Ireland and Scotland leaving. If you thought the Scottish independence drive was divisive wait till you see how Norn Iron goes.

Out of interest why does this upset you? How does effect you?
Posted 7 years ago
I voted leave, not necessarily because I wanted the UK to leave Europe (I did but was undecided for a long time), but I wanted Scumbag Cameron to be defeated on this and he wouldn't have any choice but to quit, and it's happened so I've been absolutely over the moon emotional all day. The thieving, lieing, cheating, SOB will be gone, and that feels so good.. The fact his government won the general election last year is one of the most disgusting things the people of this country have done.
Posted 7 years ago
Cameron replaced by Johnson doesn't seem like a win. The country will now be more Tory, more right wing than before. Led by a new breed of fucktard.

It upsets me about Ireland and Scotland because I believe in a diverse unified UK and both you groups of weird Celtic bastards add to it. Plus I hate to see countries ripping each other to bits and Sinn Fein are already pitching this. The idea of it is enough.
Posted 7 years ago*
I voted out because although it will no doubt have a negative impact initially, I think in the long run we will benefit hugely from gaining control back.

I am guilty of not knowing enough about all of this as I should, but from what I have seen, the main negative effects of being out are monetary, trading etc and of course that is important in many ways, but for me it is not as important as having control of our own country and making our own decisions. Plus I feel long term we will rise through it and actually become greater and things like free trade are really going to be positive.

The EU were fleecing us and all the time important things like our NHS and schools are suffering. They have become something that we did not sign up for and are continually trying to dominate and take over and in my eyes are corrupt, along with many of our politicians who are on the remain side.

I was so shocked at the result. I never thought it would happen. What is interesting now is that the UK is literally divided in half and everyone is debating everywhere, its all a bit crazy, but we will see how it pans out soon enough I guess!

Loved this video from Boris, I would back him all the way as PM...

Posted 7 years ago
This whole debate feels a bit like a few regs on 2+2 arguing over the best way to play a hand, which ultimately depends on how you construct your ranges.
Posted 7 years ago
CrazyKeri: I voted out because although it will no doubt have a negative impact initially, I think in the long run we will benefit hugely from gaining control back.

I am guilty of not knowing enough about all of this as I should, but from what I have seen, the main negative effects of being out are monetary, trading etc and of course that is important in many ways, but for me it is not as important as having control of our own country and making our own decisions. Plus I feel long term we will rise through it and actually become greater and things like free trade are really going to be positive.

The EU were fleecing us and all the time important things like our NHS and schools are suffering. They have become something that we did not sign up for and are continually trying to dominate and take over and in my eyes are corrupt, along with many of our politicians who are on the remain side.

I was so shocked at the result. I never thought it would happen. What is interesting now is that the UK is literally divided in half and everyone is debating everywhere, its all a bit crazy, but we will see how it pans out soon enough I guess!

Loved this video from Boris, I would back him all the way as PM...

Communism sounded like a good idea on paper too.
Posted 7 years ago
MDC: This whole debate feels a bit like a few regs on 2+2 arguing over the best way to play a hand, which ultimately depends on how you construct your ranges.

Lol yes it's a bit like that everywhere.

I wasn't even going to post in here to be honest in case it gets into a heavy debate, but it's only my opinion, is not necessarily right or wrong, same as anyone else's and I respect others opinions on the opposite side even if I do not agree, everyone has a right to their own.

My gut feeling is it won't be as bad as everyone anticipates, there is already stuff happening to suggest that. Think we all just need to get on with it really and stop tearing each others hair out!

Posted 7 years ago
If you don't watch the news you'd never knew anything has happened. Lots of scare mongering going on in the media, nothing else to talk about so they are going to drag this news on for as long as they can.

Posted 7 years ago
I almost feel like such a big and complicated decision shouldn't be up to the public. That being said depriving the public of voice seems more dangerous than the alternative at least in the current system. @Harvie raises a great point. I think this situation has been blown out of proportion because fear and over exaggeration sell well.
Posted 7 years ago*
Yes scare mongering is the right term for sure. The media are quite clearly biased. Its in their best interest to remain, same as the likes of Richard Branson and Alan Sugar who were on the remain campaign
Posted 7 years ago
There are already talks of other countries following us out. Will be interesting to see what happens...
Posted 7 years ago
Harvie: If you don't watch the news you'd never knew anything has happened. Lots of scare mongering going on in the media, nothing else to talk about so they are going to drag this news on for as long as they can.

Somehow cuz of all this, the Canadian Dollar plunged about 1.5% vs USD. WTF did we do????

Canada: The World's Little Brother.
Posted 7 years ago
Someone in the United States of Freedom got confused by British Columbia.
Posted 7 years ago
Any updates from the UK residents? Is Brexit affecting your day to day in any way already? What's the public's general feeling about the decision? Is your government hard at work to make Brexit happen or are the politicians just stalling?