How old is old in 2017?

Posted 7 years ago

At what age would you say someone is 'old' or at the point where life is only going in one direction (down).

I'm almost 30 and I'm thinking that is old AF, already worried about getting grey hair and breaking my hip (really).

People who are older than me laugh saying 30 isn't old, 40 is old, while people who are 25 are telling me they are old to which i reply "you're still a baby, you don't know any better".

At what age do you start becoming uncool and are not longer allowed to go to clubs, wear low-cut tops and do drugs on a night out?

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Posted 7 years ago*
I'd imagine that when it comes to the 'coolness' factor age is kinda like clothing if you're confident enough you can pull off some nasty, moldy second-hand sweater with great success (especially when said sweater is black - please don't sue) Laugh But seriously, I don't care much about the image of coolness that you've painted in the last sentence, but I'd imagine Joe Rogan could pull off all of that stuff (low-cut tops included "he'd sling so much dick, the entire gay porn industry would go bankrupt" - read that in Joey Diaz voice for a full effect) and he's almost 50. If you take care of yourself physically and mentally you can probably do all the 'cool' stuff that you've mentioned well into your forties.
Posted 7 years ago
You'll know you're getting old when you start to feel life is taking back all the advantages you had when you were a yoof. Like when you bend down and suddenly realise you've started letting out a groan when you do, but if you van get back up without leaning on something you're not quite there yet of course.

Having less people around, because you outlived them.

When you realise you're only dancefloor move left is Hip - Pop. The coolness definitely left the building on that one.

Forget things, silly little things that get me on tilt, like take a tablet at 2pm every day for a year but forget nearly every time it's due.

Starting a conversation and forgetti ... what was I talking about again? Blush

Corduroy jackets with leather elbows are cool, right? Right?

I've never been into clubbing anyway; oh except for that trip to Alaska seal watching ...

My mrs wears low cut tops, but she tucks everything into her socks now anyway.

So many signs I could go on all day if I could remember; but basically, if you need to take frequent naps and smell faintly of wee, you made it.


Coolness is an odd one. I was told I was the coolest teacher until I wore the same tie two days in a row, then I wasn't! Crying
Posted 7 years ago
@Harvie I am 30 and I still feel young. I only feel old in the weekend after Friday when we party until morning Laugh
Posted 7 years ago
@Pwll your post sounds like you're very old :D.

@mattusko I'm cutting down on drinking and going out, worried I'm going to age too fast and ruin my body, I can't drink as much now as I could when I was 22.

@MattVIP yeah I here you, I think eating well and dieting is a huge thing to staying fitter. I already have issues with losing weight once I put it on now I'm almost 30, when I was younger it would fall off after a week or so.
Posted 7 years ago
30 in 3 weeks Doh!
Posted 7 years ago
Not really ever thinking someone is old atm. Unless they look really ill and aged type thing.

Guess cos my mum is 66 but acts 21 so really hard for me to see that as old or whatever. Plus I am 29 and have a good balance so i rly can't say much about old apart from if someone is at deaths door rly.
Posted 7 years ago
Interesting TED talk that's kinda on the subject:
Posted 7 years ago
When posting HHs for live play, it's common to give physical characteristics of players. Occasionally it's informative. Anyway, 2 years ago my standard self-description was "Hero is a WM, late-30s...". Not actually true, but I thought that's what I must look like. It's how I felt, so I assumed that's how the world saw me. Well, one day I took a good look at myself in the's shocking how I use a mirror to shave every day but never actually saw myself...anyway, I realized that I don't look like my 30s anymore. I've had to update to a more truthful, "Hero is a MAWG" which stands for middle aged white guy.

Posted 7 years ago
@CycleVancouver We're all getting older - and that's ok.