Pornhub Casino

Posted 8 years agoEdited 8 years ago

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Online poker room next? Watch out Pokerstars!


"Our users know a thing or two about having a good time online, so when a casino company approached us with an opportunity to blend gambling with porn, we had to consider it seriously."

Check it out

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Posted 8 years ago

Will the girls be naked, if so I can see this kicking off big.

Does PokerVIP have an affiliate scheme with them yet? If so, where do I sign up?:D
Posted 8 years ago
This is hilarious. What's the RB, 69%?

Thanks, I'll be here all week ClapClap
Posted 8 years ago
69% rakeback and blowjob bonus
Posted 8 years ago
LOL hilarious. Guess it's the perfect market and people will be blowing their loads bankrolls in no time!
Posted 8 years ago
This is my favourite poker story ever. On a number of levels.

I'm all in.

So to speak.

On a wet flop.


Posted 8 years ago
thetallpaul: This is my favourite poker story ever. On a number of levels.

I'm all in.

So to speak.

On a wet flop.



Posted 8 years ago
In all seriousness though if they did actual poker I would definately play there. Say they did poker with a points/bad beat/ jackpot style thing to see dem titties. Just imagine the morons you would get on there, desperately fishing with ATC to try and get the Royal Flush and see the money shot. It would be free money!

I don't get it really though, if internet Casino sites already exist, and internet porn already exists, and the spam box on my email suggests that it does, why would you not just recreate this yourself?
Posted 8 years ago
This would be epic!!! 68% RB rofl
Posted 8 years ago
thetallpaul: In all seriousness though if they did actual poker I would definately play there. Say they did poker with a points/bad beat/ jackpot style thing to see dem titties. Just imagine the morons you would get on there, desperately fishing with ATC to try and get the Royal Flush and see the money shot. It would be free money!

Agreed. I'd definitely call with ATC just to see her pair In love

Posted 8 years ago
I'd only join up for the deposit bonus to be honest.
Posted 8 years ago
I just went on there to see what's what. Backdoored an open ender straight off the bat.

It was deep stacked an all.
Posted 8 years ago
But what can you do? When your holding the nuts, you've just got to shove it in.
Posted 8 years ago
The woman on my left was getting very irate with my CO steals. Apparently girls don't like you constantly pinching their button.
Posted 8 years ago
The Priest on my right said:
"My son, why do you want to play so many hands from LP?"
I said one word to the Missionary: "Position".

I didn't mention that I was also interested in opening so much because the woman on my left was so tight.
Posted 8 years ago
The dealer was a Kiwi and he really liked his job. He said "I love playing with my deck".

That last one you need to do in a New Zealand accent.

Thank you very much, you've been a great audience. I'm here all week. I'm off before I sully my good name by bringing fish into it.

I fucking love a pun, me. Like a shit Tim Vine.

Posted 8 years ago
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Posted 8 years ago
I'm ready, i got my nutz load, ALL IN.
Posted 8 years ago
I just wanted to give shout out to @thetallpaul , who totally won this thread!
Posted 8 years ago
Backdoored an open ender

