Smoothies - A different approach

Posted 7 years ago


So not spoke about weight or lifestyle on here for a long time as I just sacked it off again and could not be bothered. I now have a bit more motivation and just generally feel older now and that i should take care of myself a bit more.

So one thing i noticed with my cooking or takeaways/eating out is i get very little fruit and veg in my diet. I guess i just always go for the easy options when cooking and sometimes cannot be bothered. So i figured i would start drinking smoothies full of fruit and veg


The problem with smoothies is having to buy the stuff, prepare it and inevitably throw a ton of it out as it goes off so fast. Now lazy yes but realistic YES i decided to try frozen mixes and just frozen ingredients in general. They have nothing added to them, nice mix of everything good, super easy to prepare and no waste....AT ALL.

So frozen mix looks something like this

Attached Image

so basically get the blender, pour some water in, chuck a handful of this in and off we go. Takes 2 mins, clean, tidy, no messing and job done.

So what am i replacing with these? TBH not a lot if anything. I have one on the morning for breakfast or sometimes alongside porridge and then i have one as a snack later in the day if hungry. One thing I am doing tho is cutting down on main meal portion size or just generally trying to eat a little cleaner.

Anyone else do anything like this? Any good frozen bags i can buy?


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Posted 7 years ago
I have for about a year now been getting these and putting 200g on my porridge in morning. My diet isn't crap, but like you it could do with a few more fruit and vegs in it.
Posted 7 years ago
Oh nice good looking site is that! Wouldn't mind giving the rhubarb a go!
Posted 7 years ago
I usually get frozen berries and mix them with bananas and milk. Do they blend well, I think for veg you need a proper juice or Vitamix no?
Posted 7 years ago
These mixes often contain kale or spinach or even avocado and it all seems to blend well enough!
Posted 7 years ago
I don't bother with the fresh stuff either. Some frozen spinach/kale/broccoli, frozen berries, frozen banana, ice, water/vegetable milk + optionally peanut butter/protein powder et voila! You have a kickass, easy to digest meal that's as low or as high in calories as you want it to be. That smoothie mix you posted looks really good and it's low in calories so you can increase the food volume without increasing your caloric intake much by adding those shakes into your diet.
Posted 7 years ago
I like the mango smoothie thing at Subway
Posted 7 years ago
Some super simple low-calorie (especially the green and red one) smoothie options for you folks:

Posted 7 years ago
Yeah some nice ones there! Just had a banana, spinach, kale and apple one. I am having all mine with water!
Posted 7 years ago

Posted 7 years ago
This looks healthy AF! Also:

Posted 7 years ago
haha nice!
Posted 7 years ago
Heheh random reading between sunday afternoon plos and saw this ... my wife makes ones similar to these. When I first started having them ~ 6 years ago like 15-20 minutes after I would have an urgent must poop now ... this stopped after my stomach got use to the idea ... they are great though
Posted 7 years ago
I love the Raspberry Ripple one at McDonalds mmm
Posted 7 years ago
@Joshk81 Sounds like you didn't have a lot of fiber in your diet back then. You should thank your wife for changing that Laugh
Posted 7 years ago
It's almost a nobrainer for anyone who makes fruit smoothies to buy prewashed spinach or kale and add a handful to whatever you're already blending. Effort factor is zero.
Posted 7 years ago
@MattVIP predominantly vegetarian diet so plenty there ... these were smoothies that were 1 ltr+ of veg and some fruit ... I think my bowels did a "we gotta make some room NOW!" response to the intake