Posted 8 years ago
Ah nasty session there buddy but has to happen...literally it just has to happen due to variance. Keep your head up and I am sure the upswing booms on the next session.
Posted 8 years ago
Nasty session indeed! Smile
I just wish it were more rarely. This month is already the second big losing session, wich is not that great.
Good luck!
Posted 8 years ago
Ehhh...I need some motivation, some volume challenge until the end of the month to keep me going.
Here is how it went so far this month:
Attached Image

I still run alot over EV (3bb/100 is my EV so far) but I asume that in normal circumstances I can achieve the 5bb/100 that I have right now with the green line.
Anyway, until the end of the month I plan to play another 46k hands to reach the 100k point and move to NL10 with solid bankroll. I will be very happy if at the end of this challenge my actual winrate will be around 4bb/100, no problem at all.
I'll post the next update after 80k hands and the last one after 100k hands.
Good luck all! Smile

46.000 hands left to play!
Bankroll: $400
Posted 8 years ago
What is your motivation?
Posted 8 years ago
1. Big Volume is the thing that motivates me the best right now. Some might say that multitabling is bad, can't make specific reads, you play like a robot and so on. This might be true for low/high stakes, but for micros, volume is the best thing ever to climb up. Now you might say: "lol fish, you play NL2 for months, there's no logic in what you mentioned earlier". ---->>> I have some tilt, mental problems I guess. Smile One thing is sure, if I were a poker pro player, I'll be grinding at least 200.000 per month (and I'm not talking about 24 tables or some shit like this).

2. Climbing in limits....The curiosity of how it might be at the upper limit, will I be good enough?! This is in my plan right now, 100% focused on this one. In June I'll be playing at NL10 and after max 3 months I want to grind at NL25 tables. It is now or never this time. Anyway, NL100 is the final target, but who knows?! Smile (I will always respect bankroll management.)

3. Green at the end of the month.....Making a decent income from poker has to be great. I never made more than $400/month from poker though. For me, 1k$/month from this hobby will be awesome.

That's pretty much it, no rocket science for me. Smile
Good luck all!

PS: Do you think that playing on speed tables on ipoker is helpfull for improving someones game? I just heard that the games are tough, reg infested and so on. I don't plan to grind those games, I just want to play there from time to time to improve my game. What do you think? Good or bad ideea?
Thank you!
Posted 8 years ago
Brag Time!!!
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Oh yeah, great session in the last 2 days after the big downswing. Volume is a little bit low, but hey, nice green.
Keep them coming!

Oh, btw, I reached 1k VPP this month after almost 57.000 hands at NL5 and bought another 10$ with the starcoins.
Bankroll is great now, around $440. Smile

Posted 8 years ago
Great greeen numbers man .Congrads.
Do you play zoom or regular ?
Posted 8 years ago
am thinking of hiring you as my volume coach ...
Posted 8 years ago*
@Sharky Ty! I play regular tables.
@lennuk I suck lately at volume, getting lazy I guess. Smile

I am runing like an ass at the tables. This was one of the hands from last session: (I snap called this one Smile and saw the money going the other direction WHAATTT!!!!???)
Hand Conversion Powered by WeakTight Poker Hand History Converter
$0.02/$0.05 No Limit Holdem PokerStars
8 Players

UTG SoldierM4 $5
UTG+1 sadboysavage $1.45
MP1 Torre matona $5
MP2 Baal666666 $6.95
CO GAMLET211 $6.66
D shamanking99 $4.84
SB kare1725 $4.88
BBHero $9.40
8$0.07Hero is BBQQ
3 folds, Baal666666 raises to $0.15, 3 folds, Hero raises to $0.45, Baal666666 calls $0.30
Hero checks, Baal666666 checks
Hero bets$0.44, Baal666666 calls $0.44
Hero bets$0.95, Baal666666 goes all-in $6.06, Hero calls$5.11
Final Pot$13.92
Baal666666 shows four of a kind, Sixes 66
Hero shows a full house, Queens full of Sixes QQ

Baal666666 wins $13.34 (net +$6.39)
Hero collects$0.00 (net -$6.95)

Only 60k hands reached so far. Sad 100k seems unrealistic now. I hope to reach at least 80k hands.
Good luck all!
Posted 8 years ago
The profit is vanishing day by day. It must be the worst downswing ever. I'm not even looking at the cashier because it tilts me instantly. I'll look at it only in the last day of May or when will pop up the message: " you need more funds" while playing.

Good luck all!
Posted 8 years ago*
Fuck it guys!!!
It's time for a brake for me. I simply can't stand it anymore. I just can't win a god damned session. I have like 23.3 WTSD% and W$SD% 57 and no profit at all. It makes me sick right now just opening the STARS tables. Whenever I have a good hand there is always somebody else that has better or outruns me by the river....just unbelieveble.

I played like 17.000 hands and reached around 74k or something but I can't do it anymore. So, I'll take a brake for a few days, and probably I'll play a few more hands to reach 80k hands by the end of the month later on.

Here is the graph from the last sessions (17k hands):
Attached Image

I tilted almost every day, including today, after running like shit. I reached the point where when I was dealt AA, I was not thinking how to get the villains stack, but just at :"who the fuck is going to crush my AA again this time?!".

Good luck all!

PS: I'm surprised that I'm down only 4 buy ins after this period. It really felt like around -20 buy ins to be honest. I hadn't looked at the cashier until today this period.
Posted 8 years ago
I guess it is easy for us to say not to ever tilt over losing 4 buy ins but people act differently to losses and the size of losses.

Go enjoy your break and come back even stronger!
Posted 8 years ago
Just a very short update:

I'll start with the bad news. I am brake even for like 30k hands on STARS which is really frustrating.
The good news is that I reached 80k hands this month on STARS and played like 16k hands on ipoker too.

Here is a little challenge for the last days of the month: 10k hands on STARS!!!
I guess that I'll post a final update for May with more details on Sunday evening.

Good luck all! Smile

Posted 8 years ago*
Heh, I need some positive results over the next few days. It's time for a bloody upswing!!!!
Here is how it went for the last 30k hands:
Attached Image

Oh, and I'm above EV again, lucky me. Smile

I guess that I'll reach 100k hands on stars until the end of May. I allready played 7k hands since yesterday, so 13k more hands should be easy enough to play.

See you at the finish line!!! Smile
Posted 8 years ago
Damn man you seem to be volume machine.
Tell me how do you do it p'laying normal tables on stars?
IT pretty decent from 20k onwards so with some luck and solid play future looks bright for you Smile .
Stay cool
Posted 8 years ago
One advice...move to 6 max...u will destroy it!
Posted 8 years ago
Final Update for MAY!

What can I say, first half of the month went ok, but the last half was a little disaster. I played my last sessions for the month today, and lost 7 buy ins. Not a pretty good way to finish the month but I hope that next one will be better. Even though I am way above EV, it just felt that I am the most unlucky guy on there.

Here is the graph and some stats:
Attached Image

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I had in plan to finish the month with 4bb/100 but hey, it seems that it was just a beautiful dream. Bankroll is now at 420$ after todays downswing but is good for NL10. The problem isthat I think that my game sucks even for NL5 and I don't know what to do next. I'll take a short brake from STARS, at least until the end of May, and grind a little bit of 6 max on ipoker at NL4 and recap a little bit of strategy to get a little bit better at the tables.

Yes Maki1985, I am thinking to play some 6max... I'm not decided yet. Smile I have like 170 euros on Betfair right now, so I'll give it a shot there. My impression is that the field is easier there on micros than on STARS. Am I wrong or something?! Smile

I'll post my June objectives later,when I'll have a clue about them. Smile

Good luck all!

Posted 8 years ago
THat graph still looks pretty great and volume part is pretty sick . You have pretty sick work ethics, at least it seems so.
I dont think its ever good to have a goal of any kind of winrate in poker, especialyl monthly ones, couse its not logical to have it.
Imo its one variable you have no control of, and its hugely dependable on your run and thats something we cannot control at all.
So its better to focus on aspcets which we can control and winrate will taker care for itself anyways.
Do you mind telling how many hours it took you to reach 90k?
There isnt much difference in nl5 and nl10.As you mentioned on my blog some days ago that u also had tilt issues so I belive your winrate is even higher than 2.8bb/100 so I think you would be a winner on nl10 as well, just need to tweak mindset first, couse mistakes there costs 2x more. And take it from there.I dont know about ipoker , but one thing where is much easier to greind thru those limits is microgaming for sure.
Rake is lower than stars and esp ipoker, software is decent and oposition is softer.
With decent rb deals you would deffo crush it .
Posted 8 years ago
Thanks for the comment Sharky. Smile
I know that objectives like bb/100 are not that great, but I just thought that almost 100k hands is a decent enough sample to be relevant. I am wrong of course since you can't control variance at all. At around 300k hands I can make some assumptions but I don't want to play that much at a limit anymore.

I played only around 60 hours this month on STARS for the 91k hands which is about 2 hours/day. I can't afford to play longer anyway, maybe I can squeeze around 2.5h/day but it would be pretty hard to keep that pase. I play at 24 tables with about 1.6k hands/hour.

For the moment it seems that I'll stick to STARS. It's the only site that has tables at any moment of the day at any game format.

On June I plan to grind the zoom tables 6 max. Until 5th of June I'll be playing at zoom NL5 to get used to it and after that I'll move up to NL10. The only condition to move to NL10 is to have a litle bit of profit at NL5 first. (fingers crossed). I will be grinding 4 tables at a time and use the bankroll management of 25 buy ins with 8 buy ins shot for the upper limit. This should allow me to move faster between limits.

June Objectives:
* play 60.000 hands minimum.
* solve my tilt issues.
* learn more about the game (read strategy, post in HH thread, watch videos)

It would be great if I'd stay at NL10 for maximum 2 months and move up to NL25, but it might be to optimistic.
My current bankroll is at $420 now, plenty for NL10, I just have to play well. Smile

Good luck all! Smile

PS: next update will be on the 5th of June 2016.

Posted 8 years ago
Nice objectives BUT what are the plans for achieving them?